The following standing committees shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall serve during their official term of office unless removed for reasons of actions contrary to the laws of the Council and the State of Ohio.
   (a)   Service Committee. This committee shall consist of three members of Council who shall have authority and supervision over all work and labor performed on the streets, alleys, sewers and drains in said Village, and shall from time to time or as required report the condition of said streets, alleys, sewers and drains.
   (b)   Safety Committee. This committee shall consist of three members of Council who shall have authority and supervision over all public buildings, fire apparatus, fire cisterns and jail and who shall investigate and report from time to time or as required, the conditions and necessary requirements of same. It shall also be their duty to attend to all matters pertaining to the safety of the Village and its citizens.
   (c)   Finance Committee. This committee shall consist of three members of Council whose duty shall be to examine all claims and accounts against the Village for labor or material and shall report on all such matters relative to the revenue of the Village and any and all conditions that will be conducive to economy. They shall sign all claims or vouchers before allowing payment thereof.
   (d)   Health Committee. This committee shall consist of three members of Council who shall investigate the health conditions of the Village from time to time or as required and make report and suggestions that will tend to prevent disease in the Village. They shall receive all complaints, which complaints shall be in writing, about abnoxious weeds within the corporation and investigate said complaints at once and make due report, and shall perform all other duties that will mean for a cleaner and healthier Village.
   (e)   The Welfare Committee. This committee shall consist of three members of Council, shall have supervision and authority over all parks and entertainment and shall endeavor to provide such entertainment as will be conducive to more friendly relations among all citizens of Stryker and community.
   (f)   Judiciary Committee. This committee shall consist of three members of Council whose duty shall be to take in consideration all petitions and matters or things pertaining to the laws and ordinances of the Village and all such Judiciary proceedings as shall be presented or may come in question or be referred to them by Council and to report their opinion thereupon together with such propositions relative thereto as to them shall seem proper.