(A)   No watercraft or watercraft trailer, utility trailer, recreational vehicle, motor home, bus, tractor, trailer or camper shall be parked or stored in a front, side or street side yard or on the street; except that it may be parked or stored ten feet behind the rear wall of the residence on a hard surface of asphalt or concrete, or in a garage. No recreational vehicle shall be used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes when parked or stored on a residential lot or in any location not approved for the use. No vacant lot shall be used for the storage of any watercraft, recreational vehicle, motor home, bus, tractor, trailer or camper.
   (B)   No parking, loading or unloading of recreational vehicles or equipment shall be permitted on any residential street; and no off-street parking, loading or unloading area including maneuvering areas and aisles shall be permitted within the required front or street side yard of any lot with a principal building. Short time parking is permitted for the sole purpose of loading or unloading, the time not to exceed four hours. No vehicle covered by this section shall be parked on any city street between sunset and sunrise.
   (C)   For purpose of this section, RECREATIONAL VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT is defined as including boats and boat trailers: travel trailers, pick-up campers or coaches (designed to be mounted on automotive vehicles), motorized dwellings, tent trailers and similar vehicles, and cases or boxes used for transporting recreational equipment, whether occupied by the equipment or not. Pick-up trucks with campers attached, or similar vehicles, which are used for normal work-day transportation are excluded from the definition while in regular use for such purposes. A visitor's permit valid for seven days permitting parking of a recreational vehicle on a driveway may be obtained from the Building Coordinator for a fee of $2.
(Ord. 3, Series 2018, passed 10-2-2018) Penalty, see § 70.99