All of the following criteria must be satisfied for a street to be considered eligible for speed hump installation.
   (A)    Petition. The process to request a speed hump begins with the submittal of petitions documenting written approval from 70% of the households within the same block, measured intersection to intersection, as the proposed hump. Each residential structure located between the two intersections where the speed hump is proposed shall count as one voting unit. The vote recorded for each residential unit shall be the majority of all those over the age of 18 who are either living at that residential unit and/or are the property owners. If 70% of the total number of residential structures, as defined herein, is not a whole number, it will be rounded up to the next whole number. If no petitions are received from a household, that household will be counted as a no vote. Only the city’s official petition form may be used to vote.
   (B)    Location of the street. The land uses of the properties abutting the street where the speed hump is proposed must be composed of low-density residential dwellings.
   (C)    Operational characteristics of the street.
      (1)   The street must be used to provide access to abutting low-density residential properties. The street must not be identified as a collector or higher-level street, as defined by the Jefferson County Comprehensive Plan, Core Graphic.
      (2)   There must be no more than one moving lane of traffic in each direction.
      (3)   The street must have a speed limit of 25 mph as determined in accordance with this code of ordinances.
      (4)   The street must not be so close to a Fire Department facility as to significantly interfere with emergency vehicle operations.
   (D)    Geometric characteristics of the street.
      (1)   The street must have adequate sight distances to safely accommodate the hump as determined, in writing, by the city, as defined in the Traffic Engineering Handbook.
      (2)   The street must not have curves or grades that prevent safe placement of the humps. Humps may be located on streets that contain curves and/or grades, but the hump, itself, shall not be located within a significant horizontal curve, or a vertical grade greater than 8%.
      (3)   The street must be paved. If there are no curbs, a special design of speed hump must be used to prevent vehicles from going around the speed hump.
(Ord. 3, Series 2019-2020, passed 9-3-2019)