For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BINDING ELEMENT. A binding requirement, provision, restriction, or condition imposed by the Planning Commission or its designee, or a promise or agreement made by an applicant in writing, in connection with the approval of a land use development plan or subdivision plan.
PLANNING COMMISSION. The Louisville and Jefferson County Planning Commission.
LAND USE ENFORCEMENT. A zoning enforcement officer employed by the Planning Commission.
CITY OF ST. REGIS PARK CITATION OFFICER. A duly appointed citation officer from the City of St. Regis Park.
LAND USE ORDINANCE. An official action of the city which is a regulation of a general and permanent nature relating to the use and development of land within the city. It is enforceable as a local law and includes any provision of the City of St. Regis Park Code of Ordinances which embodies all or part of an ordinance.
(Ord. 3, Series 2000-2001, passed 11-14-2000)