(A) A letter of compliance shall be required for the construction and installation of any swimming pool of over 400 gallons of water capacity, 53 cubic feet.
(B) All swimming pools shall, at the time of construction or installation, be provided with a fence or other suitable enclosure capable of preventing stray animals or children from entering the water when the pool is not under the owner’s supervision.
(C) This enclosure may be of solid construction on three sides. The side facing the rear of the dwelling shall be of open construction to afford an unrestricted view of the pool area.
(D) Swimming pools must drain into the sanitary sewer system. Pool permits will be issued by the Jefferson County Code Enforcement only after presentation of approved letter of compliance from the city. All permits and plans must also be submitted to the Jefferson County Health Department, Division of Environmental Health, for approval.
(Ord. 3, Series 1996-1997, passed 10-1-96)