Records Commission
173.01   Establishment; membership; duties.
      Municipal records commissions - see Ohio R.C. 149.39
      Public meetings - see ADM. Ch. 107
   (a)   Records Commission Established. In accordance with Ohio R.C. 149.39, the Records Commission of the City of Streetsboro shall consist of the Mayor or his or her appointed representative, who shall be the chairman, and three additional members.
   (b)   Members. The members of the Records Commission shall be the Finance Director, the Law Director, and a citizen appointed by the Mayor. A secretary, who may or may not be a member of the Records Commission, shall be appointed by the Commission, and shall serve at its pleasure. The Commission members and secretary shall serve without compensation. The Commission may employ an archivist, with the prior approval of Council.
   (c)   Duties. The Records Commission shall meet every six months and upon call of the chairman, and shall perform the duties set forth in Ohio R.C. 149.39, and in addition, shall, when it is deemed advisable by the Commission, initiate and promulgate plans for the reproduction of City records, by lawful means, for the purposes of more economical storage and improved safety of all City records.
(Ord. 2002-209. Passed 12-16-02.)