The site plan requirements for single, two and three family dwellings shall include the following:
   (a)    The plan shall show the existing topography of the lot and land adjacent thereto as indicated: buildings adjacent thereto, proposed finished yard elevations at points indicated, proposed finished floor elevations, proposed basement floor elevation, proposed drainage swales, driveway, driveway catch basin(s), walks, building storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water line, electric service line, telephone service line, rear-yard basin, when required, and any other utilities. If the lot is in a development or subdivision, this plan shall be in addition to the mass grading plan and the existing elevations shown shall be those elevations as existing at the time of application for building permit. The final lot grading shall be in general conformance with the surrounding lots and mass grading plan. An elevation at the building setback line shall show the front elevations of the house in relation to the existing or proposed grading of the adjacent lots and their houses either existing or under construction. In addition to the elevations shown, the plan shall also show the existing and proposed contours at one-foot intervals. For large size lots, the existing elevations and contours need not be shown more than 100 feet beyond construction limits and the required sheet size of the plan may be larger.
   (b)    Each lot shall be shown to be graded so that the front yard slopes toward the street and that the ground slopes away from the building. Side yard swales shall be constructed and maintained between all houses to a minimum depth of three inches below finished grade at the lowest adjacent house, and shall be deep enough to drain any swale at the rear of the house.
   (c)    Where the rear yard slopes towards the house, a swale shall be constructed at least thirteen feet to the rear of the house to a minimum depth of three inches below the finished building grade of that house and shall drain to the side yard swales.
   (d)    In a case where lots behind the subject lot are higher in elevation and the rear yards of the high lots slope toward the rear of the subject lot, swales on the lower lots or lots shall be constructed along the side lot lines with an average depth of three inches below the lowest adjacent lot surface at the building and shall extend from the front lot line to the rear lot line. In this case, drainage from no more than two high rear lots shall accumulate to outlet along a side line of a given low lot.
      (e)    Where the rear yards slope toward the rear of the lot and the method of grading described above is not possible, a catch basin shall be constructed in a swale constructed along the rear lot line. In subdivisions, the maximum distance between catch basins along the length of any such rear swale shall be 100 feet and each lot shall have a catch basin at its rear lot line. Catch basins shall be either constructed during the development phase or the building phase, but shall exist prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. Each such swale and catch basin shall be maintained by the property owner to ensure effective and total storm water control. In a development, the center of the swale may be along the property line and in any other case it shall be at least six feet, but not more than ten feet, onto the property being developed and a minimum of four inches below the lower property.
     (f)    For additions to existing dwellings and detached garage construction on an existing site, site drainage shall be maintained in accordance with the above.
   (g)    No yard slope shall exceed a one-foot rise vertically for a five-foot horizontal distance when possible.
   (h)   All sanitary sewer house connections shall be indicated on the site plans as follows:
      (1)    From the curb connection to the front of the dwelling or to the individual waste water system, if approved, shall be shown.
      (2)    If a central collection system (street sanitary sewer) is to be used, the elevation of the invert of the nearest manhole and the estimated invert elevation of the curb connection invert shall be shown. If an individual waste water system approved by the County Board of Health is to be used, the elevations and sizes of the septic tank tops, bottoms, inlets and outlets shall be shown, including splitter box inlets and outlets, distribution boxes inlets and outlets, inspection ports and all pipe lines, including materials and sizes or evaporation-transpiration trench and filters or, details of, other approved system shall be shown in detail.
      (3)    The site plan shall show the location of the test tee, two feet minimum in the front yard from the street right-of-way and the invert elevation at the front of the building, which shall be below the building footing.
      (4)    The grade of the house connection shall be a minimum of one percent (1%).
   (i)    All roof drainage shall be collected by downspouts and directed into the storm sewer drainage system, unless otherwise approved.
   (j)    All construction in designated floodplain areas shall be in accordance with the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program.
   (k)    Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, iron lot pins shall be installed on all lot corners by the builder as shown on the building site plan and verified by the Residential Building Official and/or City Engineer.
   (l)    The site plan shall indicate all existing curbs, walks, water service connector boxes, water line valve hydrants and manholes located in the street right-of-way adjacent to the lot. All such appurtenances shall be protected by the builder during construction, and any damage to them shall be repaired by the builder and where repaired, such existing appurtenances reset by the builder to proper grade prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit.
      (Ord. 2021-118. Passed 8-9-21.)