(a)   Streetsboro Cemetery abides by the Ohio Revised Code Section 4767.06(H) pertaining to Minimum Maintenance Guidelines.
   (b)   No children under the age of sixteen (16) are permitted within the Cemetery without adult supervision. All children must display appropriate behavior while on the grounds of the Cemetery. Responsibility of children’s behavior is that on the supervising adult.
   (c)   Bringing alcohol for consumption within the Cemetery is strictly forbidden.
   (d)   No person shall use profane or boisterous language or in any way disturb the quiet and good order of the Cemetery.
   (e)   Littering is prohibited by City of Streetsboro Ordinance and State law, and all penalties apply.
   (f)   No person or persons other than an employee of the City so authorized shall be permitted to bring or carry firearms within the Cemetery, except a military guard of honor, and then only when in the charge of an Officer and during a Military service.
   (g)   No glass vases, bottles, etc., shall be used for memorials.
   (h)   No planting of trees, shrubs or bushes without permission from the City.
   (i)   The City is not responsible for displays, flowers, shrubs, etc.
   (j)   All persons are reminded that grounds are sacredly devoted to the burial of the dead and that the provisions and penalties of the law, as provided by statute, will be strictly enforced in all cases of wanton injury, disturbance and disregard of the rules and the laws of Ohio.
(Ord. 2020-138. Passed 10-26-20.)