(a) Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to require any person to obtain or request a permit prior to commencement of door-to-door charitable or personal soliciting. A person unable to obtain or request a permit prior to commencement of door-to-door soliciting may proceed under subsections (b) and (c) of this Section.
(b) Within twenty-four (24) hours after commencement of door-to-door soliciting, the person engaged in soliciting shall contact the Chief of Police and provide his/her name and the locations where the soliciting will occur from that time until the date when the person anticipates filing a permit application. If City offices are closed, the person shall contact the Police Department non-emergency line at (330) 626-4976 and provide the required information.
(c) Any person requiring a permit to Solicit shall file a complete application within seven (7) calendar days after commencement of soliciting. A permit application shall not be deemed incomplete where the applicant can demonstrate that information or documents that must be requested from third parties has been requested and will be provided directly to the City.
(d) No person engaged in Soliciting shall be charged with a failure to obtain a permit under this Chapter when that person is in compliance with this section, while a completed permit application is pending, or while the denial or revocation of a permit is under appeal.
(e) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize Itinerant Sales, Charitable Soliciting or Personal Soliciting where prohibited by another law or ordinance.
(Ord. 2018-67. Passed 5-21-18.)