(a) Permitted Uses. Upon compliance with these regulations, the Zoning Inspector shall issue a zoning certificate for the following uses:
(1) Single-family dwelling, detached.
(2) Accessory buildings and uses incidental and subordinate to single-family dwelling use, excluding any activity conducted as a business.
(b) Conditionally Permitted Uses. Subject to Chapter 1153 and these regulations, the Planning and Zoning Commission may issue a conditional zoning permit for the following use:
(1) Single-family dwelling, attached, except where sanitary sewer and municipal water are not available and except within the R-R and R-T zoning districts. Lot Requirements, Yard Requirements, and Maximum Density shall be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission, guided by the standards set for a single-family dwelling, detached, under each application.
(Ord. 2004-183. Passed 11-22-04.)