(a)   A vacancy in the position of police chief or in the position of fire chief shall be filled by an open competitive examination administered by the Civil Service Commission to those applicants who meet the examination eligibility requirements as established by rule of the Commission adopted in accordance with Ohio R.C. 124.40. After such examination has been held the Commission shall rate the applicants based on their examination scores and credit(s), as provided by this Section, if any, from highest to lowest. The five (5) highest rated such applicants shall then submit to an “assessment center” evaluation conducted by area police or fire chiefs, as applicable, and administered by the Commission as established by rule of the Commission adopted in accordance with Ohio R.C. 124.40. The evaluators shall rate the persons from highest to lowest based on the evaluators assessment regarding qualifications for the vacant chief position. The Commission shall then certify the five-person list, with the evaluators assessments, to the Safety Director for appointment. The Safety Director shall appoint one of the persons from the list to the vacant chief position within 60 days of receipt of the certification.
(Ord. 2004-33. Passed 2-23-04; Ord 2004-136. Passed 9-13-04.)
   (b)   A credit for seniority for applicants currently employed within the City police or fire department, as applicable, shall be given as follows: One percent (1%) of the total grade received in the examination in which he or she receives a passing grade for each of the first four (4) years of service and six-tenths of one percent (0.6%) of such total grade for each of the next ten (10) years of service. (For example, a six-year employee shall be entitled to four percent (4%) of the total grade received for the first four years of service and six-tenths of one percent (0.6%) times two or one point two percent (1.2%) for the other two years of service for a total of five point two percent (5.2%) of the total grade credit for seniority.) No further credit than stated herein shall be granted for seniority.
   (c)   A credit for military service for applicants shall be given as follows: Ten percent (10%) of the total grade received in the examination.
   (d)   No credit for seniority or military service shall be added to an applicant’s examination grade unless the applicant achieves at least the minimum passing grade on the examination within counting such extra credit.
   (e)   In the event two or more applicants receive the same score in the examination, priority in the time of filing the application with the Commission shall determine the order in which their names shall be placed on the list for the assessment center evaluation.
(Ord. 2004-33. Passed 2-23-04.)