   “Road service vehicle” means wreckers, utility repair vehicles, and state, county, and municipal service vehicles equipped with visual signals by means of flashing, rotating, or oscillating lights.
(ORC 4511.01(JJJ))
   301.33 ROADWAY.
   "Roadway" means that portion of a street or highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, except the berm or shoulder. If a street or highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term "roadway" means any such roadway separately but not all such roadways collectively.
(ORC 4511.01(EE))
   301.34 SAFETY ZONE.
   "Safety zone" means the area or space officially set apart within a roadway for the exclusive use of pedestrians and protected or marked or indicated by adequate signs as to be plainly visible at all times.
(ORC 4511.01(MM))