When the Planning and Zoning Commission makes a recommendation to Council for a change in, or addition to, any zoning ordinance or building code, Council shall study each such recommendation and take action within one hundred twenty (120) days by placing on its first reading an ordinance properly covering such recommendations. Final action by Council on such ordinance shall be taken by placing said ordinance on its third and final reading no later than one hundred twenty (120) days after its first reading.
No resolution, ordinance, regulation, measure or order of Council which violates, differs from or departs from the plan or recommendation submitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission, shall take effect unless enacted or approved by at least two thirds (2/3) of Council.
Any ordinance approved by Council that would amend the City of Streetstboro's zoning map by changing the zoning classification of one district classification, or part of one district classification to another, or that would amend the City of Streetsboro's zoning regulations by changing any of the density regulations, shall be placed on the ballot at the next regular election to be voted upon by the Electorate. No ordinance amending the City of Streetsboro's zoning map shall become effective unless approved by a majority of the Electorate voting thereon and a majority of the Electorate in each precinct in which the change is applicable. No ordinance amending the City of Streetsboro's zoning regulations by changing density regulations shall become effective unless approved by a majority of the Electorate voting thereon.
(Amended 11-7-06.)