(a)   It shall be unlawful for any person owing private property in the City, or any person owning or having custody of any abandoned motor vehicle, to park or permit any abandoned motor vehicle to be parked on any private or public property within the City. Any person receiving a notice requiring removal of any abandoned motor vehicle from the City Police Department shall have ten (10) days to remove such vehicle or be subject to penalty. The parking of abandoned motor vehicles is declared to be a public nuisance and such vehicles may be abated or removed and penalties imposed as provided in this chapter.
   (b)   It shall be unlawful for any person, after notice to remove any abandoned motor vehicle from any private or public property has been given by the City Police Department, to move such vehicle to any other private property in the City upon which such parking is not permitted or onto any public highway or other public property for purposes of storage or parking.
(Ord. 2004-188. Passed 11-22-04.)