(a)   The signs used and the marking of established fire lanes on private property devoted to public or private use shall be approved by the Fire Chief and the Chief of Police.
   (b)   The Chief of the Fire Department is authorized to establish fire lanes on any parcel of land in the City upon finding that, from the use of the property, it can reasonably be expected that the public will assemble in sufficient numbers, and that if not controlled, motor vehicles will interfere with the operation of fire-fighting equipment and/or with the ingress into and egress from the building in the event of a fire.
   (c)   The width of fire lanes shall be determined by the Fire Department, according to what is deemed necessary to permit ingress and egress for fire-fighting equipment and the operation thereof. Such fire lanes shall be appropriately marked by approved signs.
   (d)   Whenever a fire lane has been so designated, written notice thereof shall be given to the owner, occupant or person in charge of the premises.
   (e)   Parking of unattended motor vehicles or otherwise obstructing fire lanes is prohibited at all times.
   (f)   Any motor vehicle which has not been moved as directed by a member of the Fire Department or the Police Department may be towed and impounded, and the cost of such towing and impoundment shall be paid before the release of such motor vehicle.
   (g)   Attended motor vehicles found standing or parked in fire lanes shall be immediately moved upon the direction of any member of the Fire Department or the Police Department.
(Ord. 2007 -166. Passed 12-28-07.)