(a)   Nonstructural alterations and repairs to buildings or other structures erected prior to the effective date of this Building Code, not exceeding a cost within any two-year period of fifty percent (50%) of the assessed value of the existing building or other structure, may be made with the same materials as the existing building or other structure, provided that the existing building or other structure, as constructed and occupied, is in a safe and sanitary condition and the alteration will not create a less safe or less sanitary condition. If unsafe or unsanitary conditions exist, such conditions shall be corrected prior to the issuance of a permit for the alterations or repairs and such unsafe or unsanitary conditions shall be brought into compliance with the Code or Codes for new buildings or other new structures.
   (b)   When the cost of nonstructural alterations or repairs within any two-year period exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the value of an existing building or other structure, such building or structure shall be made to comply with the requirements for new buildings and other new structures.
(Ord. 1999-02. Passed 1-11-99.)