(a)    Drawings showing cross sections, profiles, elevations, construction details, specifications and cost estimates, and all calculations and computations for all required improvements shall be prepared by a professional engineer. The improvement plans shall be prepared as directed by the City Engineer and subject to his approval.
   (b)    If it becomes necessary to modify the improvements as approved, due to unforeseen circumstances, the subdivider shall inform the City Engineer in writing of the conditions requiring the modifications. Written authorization from the City Engineer to make the required modification shall be received before proceeding with the construction of the improvement.
   (c)    At the completion of the construction and before acceptance the subdivider shall furnish the City Engineer a set of linen or mylar tracings for permanent record, showing the locations, sizes and elevations of all improvements as constructed. The as built drawings shall show all lateral locations, depth and all utility service connections.
   (d)    Where existing property contains gas or oil wells, the subdivider is responsible for the conditionally approved relocation of access roads to the well(s) as well as all necessary relocations of security measures, fences, gates and landscaping. All gas lines, separators, oil tanks and appurtenances shall be placed in approved easements or rights of way.
(Ord. 1981-99. Passed 8-24-81.)