   1105.11 APPEALS.
   Appeals to the Board concerning interpretation or administration of this Zoning Ordinance may be made by any person who disagrees with the formal action taken by the Zoning or Building Inspector provided:
   (a)   Standing to Appeal. Any formal act of interpretation or administration taken by the Zoning Inspector may be appealed by the applicant, any public official or any City employee at a level of department head or higher. A concerned citizen or property owner does not have standing to appeal unless he or she can demonstrate he or she is adversely and directly affected by the decision in a manner different from the affect generally felt by the public at large.
      (Ord. 1989-51. Passed 8-28-98.)
   (b)   Application Procedure.
      (1)   Applications for appeals shall be filed with the Zoning Inspector within twenty business days of the Board’s actions.
         (Ord. 1998-141. Passed 10-26-98.)
      (2)   An application must be complete in order to be accepted and processed. In order to be complete, an application must contain all of the following:
         A.   The provision which was the subject of the Zoning Inspector’s decision.
         B.   The decision or part of the decision that is being appealed.
         C.   A clear and concise statement of the decision appellant wants the Board to make.
         D.   Reasons when the Zoning Inspector’s action was inappropriate.
         E.   Reasons indicating why the relief requested by the appellant in C. above is appropriate.
         F.   Appropriate fee pursuant to Section 1107.08 of this Zoning Ordinance.
      (3)    The Zoning Inspector shall forward a complete application to the Clerk of the Board along with the file of the matter being appealed. The file shall contain all papers constituting the record upon which the Zoning Inspector made his or her decision.
         (Ord. 1989-51. Passed 8-28-89.)