10-1-2: PURPOSE:
The purposes of these regulations are to ensure the orderly extension of village streets and the following:
   A.   To ensure sound, harmonious subdivision development and community growth, and to safeguard the interests of the homeowner, the subdivider, the investor and the village.
   B.   To provide permanent assets to the locality and to the village.
   C.   To prevent scattered development beyond existing public utilities and prevent excessive development costs.
   D.   To ensure the development of land for optimum use with necessary protection against deterioration and obsolescence.
   E.   To limit and control the pollution of the environment that can be caused by inadequate or incomplete urban development.
   F.   To lessen congestion in the streets and highways.
   G.   To provide common grounds of understanding and a sound working relationship between the village and the subdivider.
   H.   To provide for adequate light and air.
   I.   To facilitate adequate provision for transportation, water, sewerage, schools and other public necessities.
   J.   To ensure proper legal description and proper monumenting of subdivided land.
These regulations are established with reasonable consideration of the character of the village with a view toward conserving the value of buildings upon the land and providing the best possible environment for human habitation. It is intended that these regulations shall supplement and facilitate the enforcement of the provisions and development standards contained in the building codes, official map regulations, zoning ordinance and the official village plan. (Ord. 2010-27, 12-2-2010)