A.   Subsection R-703.2 Weather-resistant sheathing paper:
   Delete under "Exception"- Such felt or membrane may be omitted in the following situations. Numbers 1 through 4.
   B.   Add Subsection R-703.2.1
   All structures shall be covered with a minimum of ½" plywood or OSB sheathing minimum. All exterior wall surfaces shall be covered with an approved water repellant membrane (Tyvek) or approved equivalent. The membrane shall be installed with the minimal number of seams. All seams shall be lapped a minimum of six inches (6") and be fastened with manufacturer's approved tape.
   Add Exception: Rigid foam panels may be used if required to meet requirements of the IECC. (Cellulose fiber panels are not allowed)
   C.   Subsection R-703.9.5 Exterior Insulation Finish System (EIFS)
   If any exterior insulation finish system (EIFS) is installed on any portion of a dwelling unit for an exterior covering, a certification of proper installation shall be required to be submitted as a special inspection. Before permit issuance, a statement of special inspections prepared by the registered design professional shall be submitted detailing the individuals and approved agencies intended to be retained for conducting these inspections. This report and signed certification shall be submitted to the Village of Streamwood before any occupancy will be granted.
(Ord. 2015-11, 5-21-2015; amd. Ord. 2021-18, 10-21-2021)