A.   Subsection 80.2 Definitions
   Add definition: Electrical Contractor:
   The term "electrical contractor" as used in this Chapter shall be understood to mean any person engaged in the business of installing or altering, by contract, electrical equipment for the utilization of electricity supplied for light, heat or power, not including radio apparatus or equipment for wireless reception of sounds and signals, conductors and other equipment installed for or by public utilities including common carriers which are under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission, for use in their operation as public utilities; but the term "electrical contractor" does not include employees employed by such contractor to do or supervise such work.
   Modify Subsection 80.9 (C) Application:
   (C)   Add to the end of paragraph:
   When electrical alterations are made in residential occupancies to the electrical service or when new electrical circuits are added, the residence shall meet the new requirements for 110-volt interconnected smoke detectors. The code official may waive the requirement for the detectors to be interconnected if it's deemed drywall or structural elements will need to be removed.
   B.   Modify Subsection 80.13 (13) Authority:
   (13)   Last sentence to read: The authority having jurisdiction shall be notified when the installation is ready for inspection and shall conduct the inspection within 15 days.
   C.   Insert Subsection 80.13 (17) and (18) Authority:
   (17)   Breaking Seals: The Code Official is hereby empowered to attach to electrical cabinets and equipment, any official notice or seal to prevent use of electricity, and it shall be unlawful for any person to put or attach such seal, or to break, change, destroy, tear, mutilate, cover or otherwise deface or injure any such official notice or seal posted by an inspector.
   (18)   Disturbance of existing wiring: It shall be unlawful for any person regulated under this Code in any way to cut, disturb, alter or change any electrical wiring or to permit such electrical wiring to be cut, disturbed, altered or changed, unless done in conformity with the electrical regulations of this Code.
   D.   Subsection 80.15 Electrical Board
   Delete Subsection in its entirety and Insert
   80.15 Electrical Licensing:
      1.   Appointment: Before any permit to install or alter electrical work shall be issued to any person entitled to secure permits under the electrical regulations of this Code, he shall appoint or employ a person who may be himself or some other person who, for the purpose of the electrical regulations of this Code, shall be known as a supervising electrician. The person so appointed or employed to act as a supervising electrician shall, before starting as such supervising electrician, be required to comply with subsection 3 of this Section.
      2.   Application: Any person who has been appointed or employed to act as a supervising electrician for a registered electrical contractor, shall make application to the Code Official, in writing, on a form to be furnished by the Community Development Department.
      3.   Registration required: It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of an electrical contractor, as herein defined, without being registered as an electrical contractor in the manner hereinafter set forth.
      4.   Application and issuance of certificate: Any person desiring to engage in the business of an electrical contractor shall apply for registration to the Code Official. Upon the filing of such application in proper form, and the payment of the registration fee as provided for in Section 6 of this Chapter, the Code Official shall register the applicant as an electrical contractor and shall issue to the applicant a certificate of registration which shall authorize the applicant to engage in such business for the year in which it is issued. Provided, however, before any permits shall be issued to such electrical contractor, he shall have complied with the Sections of this Chapter.
      5.   Expiration of certificate: The certificate of registration shall expire on December 31 of the year in which it is issued. A certificate of registration shall not be transferable.
      6.   Fee for registration: The fee for registration as an electrical contractor shall be seventy-five dollars ($75) per annum, which sum shall be paid by the applicant to the Code Official in advance upon filing the application.
      7.   Qualifications: An applicant is duly licensed by a municipality that requires testing substantially in compliance with this Code. The Code Official is required to confirm with said municipality that said license is in good standing.
   E.   Subsection 80.19 Permits and Approvals
   Insert Subsection 80.19(A)(3) Application:
      3.   Permit applications: The Community Development Department shall issue permits for such installation and alteration of electrical equipment in all cases where application for such permit shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations applicable thereto; provided, however, that no permit shall be issued for installing or altering by contract, electrical equipment, unless the person applying for such permit is registered as an electrical contractor as required by this Chapter, and further provided, that the inspection fee as provided for in this Chapter shall have been paid in advance upon filing the application.
   Insert Subsection 80.19(A)(4) Application:
      4.   Permits required: No electrical equipment shall be installed or altered except upon a permit first issued by the Community Development Department authorizing the installation, alteration or repair of electrical equipment.
   Modify Subsection 80.19(F)(3) Inspection and Approvals:
      3.   Between the word "until" and "days" insert the number 2.
   Insert Subsection 80.19(F)(6) Inspection and Approvals:
      6.   Reinspection: The Code Official is hereby empowered to reinspect any electrical equipment within the scope of the electrical regulations of this Code, and when said electrical equipment is found to be unsafe to life or property, shall notify, in writing, either the owner, his agent for the purpose of managing, controlling or collecting rents or any other person managing, controlling, using or operating the same to place such electrical equipment in safe and secure condition in compliance with the electrical regulations of this Code within such time as the Code Official shall consider just and reasonable, but in no event shall this time exceed fifteen (15) days from the date of such notice. Refusal to comply with the requirements of such notice shall subject the person owning, managing, operating or using such electrical equipment to the penalties provided for in this Code. The Code Official of the Community Development Department and the electrical inspectors are hereby empowered to cut off and stop current to any electrical equipment found to be unsafe to life or property.
   Insert Subsection 80.19(G)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13) Inspection and Approvals:
      8.   Suspension of permit privileges: Failure on the part of a registered electrical contractor to correct any defect, error or deficiency in any work installed under the authority of a permit issued to him by the Community Development Department within fifteen (15) calendar days after written notification thereof by the said Department or within such further reasonable time as may, upon request be prescribed, the Code Official shall, without further notice, stop the issuance of permits to such registered electrical contractor until such corrections have been made, inspected and approved. In addition thereto, the penalty provided in this Chapter may be enforced.
      9.   The Code Official is hereby empowered to suspend the permit privileges of any registered electrical contractor who shall fail to pay any just indebtedness for inspection fees for electrical wires and apparatus as fixed by that part of this Chapter dealing therewith, until such registered electrical contractor shall discharge and pay to the Village all fees then due and owing from such registered electrician.
      10.   Revocation of permits: The Community Development Department is authorized to revoke any permit or certificate obtained by fraud, misrepresentation or in any way contrary to the provisions of the electrical regulations of this Code, for the installation, alteration, repair and use of any electrical equipment.
      11.   Use of permit issued to another: It shall be unlawful for any person to install, alter or repair any electrical wires or apparatus by authority of a permit issued to and for the use of some other person.
      12.   Permit for person not entitled to one: It shall be unlawful for any registered electrical contractor to secure or furnish a permit for the installation, alteration and repair of electrical wires and apparatus to any person not entitled to such permit under the electrical regulations of this Electrical Code.
      13.   Revocation of permit or certificate: Any person violating any sections of this Code shall be subject to the penalties provided for and in addition thereto, the permit, certificate or any printed form issued to a registered electrical contractor shall be revoked by the Community Development Department. Notice of revocation shall be in writing to the person violating any of those sections.
   F.   Subsection 80.23 Notice of Violations, Penalties
   Delete Subsection 80.23(B)(3) in its entirety and insert:
   (3)   Any person, firm, or corporation who shall willfully violate any of the applicable provisions of this article shall be guilty of a petty offense and, upon conviction or finding of liability thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) or more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for each offense, together with the costs of prosecution.
   Where an electrical installation has been started prior to the issuance of a permit for such work, the normal permit fee as required by this Code shall be increased by fifty percent (50%).
   Insert Subsection 80.23(B)(4)
      4.    Where a registered electrical contractor is found doing electrical work without a permit on three (3) separate occasions in one calendar year, a hearing shall be held by the Code Official at which time the permit privileges of said electrical contractor may be suspended for a period of time not to exceed one year.
   G.   Subsection 80.25 Connection to Electricity Supply
   Modify Subsection 80.25(C) Notification:
   Between the word "within" and "business" insert the number 15.
   H.   Subsection 80.27 Inspector's Qualifications   
   Modify Subsection 80.27(A) Certificate:
   Between the word "of" and "shall" insert the words Village of Streamwood.
   Modify Subsection 80.27(B)(3)(4) Experience:
   (3)   Between the word "of" and "relating" insert the words Village of Streamwood.
   (4)   Between the word "least" and "years'" insert the number 5, and between the word "or" and "years" insert the number 5.
   I.   Subsection 80.29 Liability for Damages
   Modify 80.29 - Between the words "the" and "or" insert the words Village of Streamwood.
   J.   Subsection 80.35 Effective Date
   Modify 80.35 - Between the word "effect" and "days" insert the word ten and the number 10.
(Ord. 2015-11, 5-21-2015; amd. Ord. 2021-18, 10-21-2021)