A.   Creation: There is hereby created a Streamwood emergency medical services which shall be part of the fire department.
   B.   Authority: The emergency medical services shall be under the authority of the fire chief and such other officers of the fire department as may be authorized from time to time by the president and board of trustees. (1994 Code)
   C.   Duties: It shall be the duty of the emergency medical services to provide and operate an emergency ambulance service for persons becoming injured or infirm and for the performance of any mutual aid compacts with neighboring municipalities. The emergency ambulance service shall be operated at all times by qualified personnel trained in accordance with applicable state statutes and shall be utilized only under the following conditions:
      1.   Only for emergency purposes or as otherwise authorized by the fire chief to assist in the service of the residents of the village of Streamwood.
      2.   Only within the corporate limits of the village, except for authorized mutual aid response.
      3.   To transport injured or sick persons for medical care at a facility approved by the Illinois department of public health. (Ord. 2005-24, 6-2-2005)
   D.   Fees:
      1.   Residents who have been provided emergency ambulance transport service by the village shall be required to pay a fee to the village, for each incident, according to the ambulance fee schedule set by the centers for medicare and medicaid services (CMMS), as revised and published annually.
The village shall accept government or private insurance payments as payment in full for services to persons residing in the village of Streamwood.
      2.   Nonresidents who have been provided emergency ambulance transport service by the village shall be required to pay a fee to the village, for each incident, according to the schedule set forth below:
Basic life support (BLS)
Advanced life support I (ALS I)
Advanced life support II (ALS II)
10.50 per mile
      3.   The village shall bill the recipient of ambulance transport services within thirty (30) days of the date of such service. The finance director shall administer the collection of all fees due pursuant to this subsection D. (Ord. 2011-30, 11-17-2011)