The fire chief or assigned personnel of the fire department, upon the complaint of any person, or having concerns for the safety of the employees or general public, or deeming it necessary, shall inspect all buildings and premises within the village. Whenever said members shall find any building or other structure which is especially liable to fire for want of repairs, lack of or insufficient fire escapes, fire alarm apparatus, fire extinguishing equipment, by reason of use or dilapidated condition, or from any other cause; and which is so situated as to endanger other property or the occupants thereof, and whenever such officer shall find in any building combustible or explosive matter or flammable conditions dangerous to the safety of such building or the occupants thereof, they shall order such dangerous conditions or materials to be removed or remedied and such order shall forthwith be complied with by the owner or occupant of such premises or building. The fire chief or any employee of the fire department may at all reasonable hours enter any building or premises within the village for the purpose of making any inspection or investigation under the provisions of this chapter as may be deemed necessary to be made. (1994 Code)