It shall be the function and duty of the fire department and every person thereof to provide emergency medical services, fire prevention activities, community education activities, and extinguish accidental or destructive fires and to prevent the occurrence or spread of such fires. Any firefighter in attendance at a fire shall obey the orders of the officer in command at such fire.
A. Compliance With Fire Prevention Regulations: It shall be the duty of all members of the fire department to enforce all the fire prevention regulations of the village and all other ordinance provisions falling within the competence of the fire department. For this purpose, the members of the fire department are hereby vested with the usual powers and authority of police officers.
B. Highest Ranking Officer In Charge: The highest ranking on duty officer arriving at the emergency scene first shall take command. The arrival of a chief officer, when three (3) or more fire department units are activated, requires him/her to assume command of the emergency incident. Higher ranking officers, who arrive at the scene, may choose to assume command or assume advisor positions.
C. Destruction Of Buildings: When it may be necessary for the protection of other property and to prevent the spread of the conflagration, the officer in command may cause buildings to be removed, torn down, or destroyed in the best manner possible.
D. Other Duties: All members of the fire department shall perform such other duties as are required of them by this chapter or by such other rules and regulations of the board of police and fire commissioners now or hereafter in force pertaining in any manner to the fire department. (1994 Code)