A.   Any motor vehicle having an identification card on display in its windshield (which identification card declares the possessor thereof to be a handicapped person and which card has been issued by any of the townships of the state of Illinois) or a motor vehicle bearing registration plates issued to a physically handicapped person pursuant to 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3-616 or to a disabled veteran pursuant to Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3-609 of the Illinois vehicle code, effective July 1, 1970, as amended, is exempt from any statute of the state of Illinois or any ordinance of the village imposing time limitations on parking in a business district; but otherwise is subject to the laws which prohibit parking in "no stopping" and "no standing" zones in front of or near fire hydrants, driveways, public building entrances and exits, bus stops and loading areas, and is prohibited from parking where the motor vehicle constitutes a traffic hazard and the motor vehicle must be moved at the instruction and request of the police department to a location designated by such officer.
   B.   Parking privileges granted by this section are strictly limited to the person to whom the aforedescribed identification card and/or special registration plates were issued and to qualified operators acting under his express direction while the disabled person is present.
   C.   It shall be unlawful to stand, stop or park any motor vehicle which is not properly displaying registration plates or decals issued to a person with disabilities, as defined by section 1-1590.1, pursuant to sections 3-616, 11-1301.1 or 11-1301.2, or to a disabled veteran pursuant to section 3-609 of the Illinois vehicle act 1
   D.   An individual with a vehicle displaying disability license plates or a parking decal or device issued to a qualified person with a disability under sections 3-616, 11-1301.1 or 11-1301.2 of the Illinois vehicle code, or to a disabled veteran under section 3-609 of the Illinois vehicle code shall be in further violation of this section if: the person using the authorized holder of the disability license plate or parking decal or device or is not transporting the authorized holder of the disability license plate or parking decal or device to exercise any privileges granted through the disability license plate or parking decals or devices under this code or the Illinois vehicle code.
   E.   Any person or local authority owning or operating any public or private off street parking facility may, after notifying the Streamwood police, remove or cause to be removed to the nearest garage or other place of safety any vehicle parked within a stall or space reserved for use by a person with disabilities which does not display person with disabilities registration plates or a special decal or device as required under this section.
   F.   Any person found guilty of violating the provisions of subsection C of this section shall be fined not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) nor more than three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) for each offense, in addition to any costs or charges connected with the removal or storage of any motor vehicle removed or stored pursuant to 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-1301.3 of the Illinois vehicle code. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, it shall not be a defense to a charge under this section that either the sign posted or the intended accessible parking place does to comply with the technical requirements of section 11-301 of the Illinois vehicle code, Illinois department of transportation regulations, or this section if a reasonable person would be made aware by the sign or notice on or near the parking place that the place is reserved for a person with disabilities.
   G.   Any person found liable or guilty of violating the provisions of subsection D of this section shall be fined no less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense.
   H.   As used in this section, "authorized holder" means an individual issued a disability license plate under section 3-616, an individual issued a parking decal or issued a disabled veteran's license plate under section 3-609 of the Illinois vehicle code. (Ord. 2006-11, 3-16-2006)



1. 625 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq.