A.   Prohibition: It shall be illegal for any person to park any motor vehicle or obstruct in any fashion a designated fire lane.
   B.   Designated Fire Lanes: The following areas in the village are hereby designated as fire lanes:
All driveway entrances into parking areas off McKool, Miller, Tinnerella, Short and Hayward, in what is commonly known as the Woodland Heights East subdivision.
From 724 through 716 Barrington Road, lane to extend east 16 feet out from front face of buildings.
From 716 through 724 Barrington Road, lane to extend west 27 feet out from rear face of buildings.
From 1547 through 1531 Brandy Parkway, lane to extend south 27 feet out from rear face of buildings.
Between 1541 and 1539 Brandy Parkway from the intersection of the access drive between 1541 and 1539 and Brandy Parkway, south to a point 27 feet from rear face of buildings.
Between 1535 and 1533 Brandy Parkway from the intersection of the access drive between 1535 and 1533 and Brandy Parkway, south to a point 27 feet from rear face of buildings.
Between 1531 and 1529 Brandy Parkway from the intersection of the access drive on the west side of 1531 and Brandy Parkway, south to a point 27 feet from rear face of buildings.
Between 1546 and 1544 Brandy Parkway from the intersection of the access drive between 1546 and 1544 and Brandy Parkway, north to a point 37 feet from rear face of buildings.
Between 1538 and 1536 Brandy Parkway from the intersection of the access drive between 1538 and 1536 and Brandy Parkway north to a point 37 feet from rear face of buildings.
From 1550 through 1528 Brandy Parkway, lane to extend north 37 feet out from rear face of buildings.
From 724 through 702 Bonded Parkway, lane to extend east 16 feet out from front face of buildings.
From 724 through 702 Bonded Parkway, lane to extend west 27 feet out from rear face of buildings.
From the intersection of the access drive on the south side of 724 Bonded and Bonded Parkway west to a point 27 feet from rear face of buildings.
From the intersection of the access drive between 702 and 700 Bonded and Bonded Parkway, west to the rear of the property line.
From 700 through 678 Bonded Parkway, lane to extend east 27 feet from front face of buildings.
From 700 through 698 Bonded Parkway, lane to extend west 23 feet from rear face of buildings.
From the intersection of the access drive on the north side of 698 Bonded and Bonded Parkway west to the rear property line.
From 1549 through 1537 Burgundy Parkway, lane to extend south 27 feet from rear face of buildings.
From 1533 through 1531 Burgundy Parkway, lane to extend south 27 feet from rear face of buildings.
Behind 1535 Burgundy Parkway from rear face of building south to property line and extending 20 feet east and west from fenced area.
From 1549 through 1545 Burgundy Parkway, lane to extend north 16 feet from front face of buildings.
From the intersection of the access drive on the east side of 1549 Burgundy and Burgundy Parkway south to a point 27 feet from the rear face of the buildings.
From the intersection of the access drive between 1541 and 1539 Burgundy and Burgundy Parkway south to a point 27 feet from the rear face of the buildings.
From the intersection of the access drive between 1533 and 1531 Burgundy and Burgundy Parkway south to a point 27 feet from rear face of buildings.
From 1532 through 1544 Burgundy Parkway, lane to extend north 27 feet from rear face of buildings.
From the intersection of the access drive between 1544 and 1542 Burgundy and Burgundy Parkway north to a point 27 feet from rear face of buildings.
From the intersection of the access drive between 1536 and 1534 Burgundy and Burgundy Parkway north to a point 27 feet from rear face of buildings.
From the intersection of the access drive on the west side of 1532 Burgundy and Burgundy Parkway north to a point 27 feet from the rear face of buildings.
From the intersection of the access drive on the east side of 1538 Bourbon and Bourbon Parkway north to the rear property line, lane to extend 16 feet east from side of buildings.
Provide a lane 20 feet wide, 22 feet out from the north, east and south sides of the building at 672 Barrington Road.
Provide a lane 20 feet wide from the intersection of the access drive at southwest corner of the building and Bourbon Parkway north to a point 40 feet from northwest corner of building at 672 Barrington Road.
From the intersection of the access drives on the north and south sides of 670 Bonded Parkway and Bonded Parkway west to a point 27 feet from rear face of buildings.
   C.   Fire Lane Diagrams: The diagrams of certain fire lane areas are made a part thereof, as shown on the following pages.
   D.   Fire Department Authority: The village fire department may designate fire lanes as it deems necessary for the efficient and effective use of fire apparatus. (1994 Code)
   E.   Penalty: Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be fined as set forth in section 1-4-1 of this code. (Ord. 1998-7, 1-22-1998)