A.   Parking During Snow Removal: It shall be unlawful to park or cause to be parked any vehicle on any public street within the corporate limits of the village at any time within a twenty four (24) hour period after an accumulation of two inches (2") or more of snow. Said restriction shall continue beyond the twenty four (24) hour period until all snow removal operations by the village are completed.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent the parking of vehicles once snow removal operations have been completed from curb to curb on that portion of a public street located between two (2) intersecting streets or an intersecting street and a right of way, waterway or other similar barrier.
   B.   Towing Of Vehicles: The police department of the village and all members thereof are hereby authorized to remove and tow away or cause the removal and towing by a commercial towing service of any vehicle parked in violation of this section in accordance with the applicable Illinois Compiled Statutes governing towing of vehicles and to notify the owner of such vehicle removed of its location as soon as is reasonably possible in accordance with police department procedures established therefor.
   C.   Obstruction Of Snow Removal: It shall be unlawful to:
      1.   Plow or otherwise remove accumulated snow from a private parking lot and deposit same on a village street or right of way.
      2.   Plow snow from a private driveway and/or sidewalk and deposit same on a village street in such a manner so as to obstruct the street or to decrease the drivable width of any such street.
      3.   Obstruct, harass, prevent or otherwise interfere with any employee of the village engaged in snow removal operations or to obstruct, cause damage to or otherwise interfere with any village owned or leased vehicle used in conjunction with snow removal operations. (1994 Code)
   D.   Penalty: Any person convicted of a violation of any provision of this section shall be fined as set forth in section 1-4-1 of this code. (Ord. 1998-7, 1-22-1998)