It shall be unlawful at any time to permit any vehicle to stand in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a policeman or traffic control device:
   A.   In any intersection.
   B.   In a crosswalk.
   C.   Upon any bridge or viaduct, or in any subway or tunnel or the approach thereto.
   D.   Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty feet (30') of a point of the curb immediately opposite the end of a safety zone.
   E.   Within thirty feet (30') of a traffic signal, beacon or sign on the approaching side.
   F.   Within fifteen feet (15') of any intersection or crosswalk.
   G.   At any place where the standing of a vehicle will reduce the usable width of the roadway for moving traffic to less than eighteen feet (18').
   H.   Within fifteen feet (15') of a fire hydrant.
   I.   At any place where the vehicle would block the use of a driveway.
   J.   Within fifty feet (50') of the nearest rail of a railroad grade crossing.
   K.   Within twenty feet (20') of the driveway entrance to any fire department station and on the side of the street opposite the entrance to any such station within seventy five feet (75') of such entrance when properly signposted.
   L.   From March 1 through November 30, parking shall not be permitted on any sidewalk or parkway; provided, that this section shall not apply to vehicles standing on residential driveways between the hours of nine o'clock (9:00) P.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. Sunday through Thursday, and between nine o'clock (9:00) P.M. and nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. Friday and Saturday. This subsection shall not apply to vehicles standing on residential driveways between December 1 and February 28.
All parking in residential driveways shall be parallel to the flow of the driveway between the principal structure and the curb. Exception: During the above stated dates and time frames, vehicles may be parked parallel to the street on the driveway apron if the apron is a minimum of sixteen feet (16') wide. If the vehicle is parked parallel to the street, it may not block the sidewalk or impede the passage of traffic in the street. Parking stall striping is expressly prohibited in single-family residential areas.
   M.   At any place where official signs prohibit parking.
   N.   On any industrial street, and, in addition thereto, it shall be unlawful to load or unload any vehicle on any industrial street.
   O.   At any of the following areas:
      1.   Sunset Circle from Ridge Circle to Hect Road, both sides.
      2.   Nippert Drive from Arnold Avenue south a distance of four hundred twenty feet (420'), on the west side.
      3.   Nippert Drive from Arnold Avenue south a distance of sixty feet (60'), on the east side.
      4.   Arnold Avenue from Nippert Drive west a distance of two hundred twenty five feet (225'), on the south side.
      5.   From the intersection of Route 20 (Lake Street) and Club Tree Drive, north, to the intersection of Club Tree Drive and Old Oak on both east and west sides of Club Tree Drive.
      6.   From the intersection of Club Tree Drive and the access throat to Quincy and Rowley Courts, east to Rowley Court on both the north and south sides of the access throat.
      7.   From the intersection of Club Tree Drive and Old Oak, east to the intersection of Old Oak and Medford Court and around the turnaround bulb, east on the south side.
      8.   From the intersection of Old Oak and the access throat of Norwood Court, south to Norwood Court, on both the east and west sides of the access throat.
      9.   From the intersection of Old Oak and the access throat of Medford Court, west to Medford Court, on both the north and south sides of the access throat.
      10.   From the intersection of Club Tree Drive and the access throat of Lynnwood Court, west to Lynnwood Court, on both the north and south sides of the access throat.
      11.   From the intersection of Club Tree Drive and East Valley Lane, west to Kingston Court, on the north side and around the turnaround bulb, east on the south side.
      12.   From the intersection of Club Tree Drive and the access throat of Kingston Court, west to Kingston Court on both the north and south sides of the access throat.
      13.   From the intersection of East Valley Lane and the access throat of Jamestown Court, north to Jamestown Court, on both the east and west sides of the access throat.
      14.   The service drive in front of 5011 South Valley Lane on both the east and west sides of the service drive.
      15.   The service drive in front of 5021 South Valley Lane on both the east and west sides of the service drive.
      16.   From 5030 South Valley Lane through 5042 South Valley Lane.
      17.   From the intersection of Bartlett Road and Tall Tree Road, east to the intersection of Tall Tree Road and Duxbury Court, on both the north and south sides of Tall Tree Road.
      18.   From the intersection of Tall Tree Road and the access throat of Duxbury Court, north to Duxbury Court on both the east and west sides of the access throat.
      19.   From the intersection of Tall Tree Road and the access throat of Essex Court, east to Essex Court on both the north and south sides of the access throat.
      20.   From the intersection of Tall Tree Road and the access throat of Falmouth Court, east to Falmouth Court, on both the north and south sides of the access throat.
      21.   From the intersection of Tall Tree Road and the access throat of Greenwood Court, east to Greenwood Court on both the north and south sides of the access throat.
      22.   From the intersection of Tall Tree Road and the access throat of Ashton Court, west to Ashton Court, on both the north and south sides of the access throat.
      23.   From the intersection of Tall Tree Road and the access throat of Bristol Court, west to Bristol Court on both the north and south sides of the access throat.
      24.   From the intersection of Tall Tree Road and the access throat of Bristol Court, south around the turnaround bulb to the intersection of Tall Tree Road and the access throat of Greenwood Court.
      25.   From the intersection of Tall Tree Road and the access throat of Colony Court, south to Colony Court on both the east and west sides of the access throat.
      26.   From the intersection of Tall Tree Road and the access throat of Hampton Court, east to Hampton Court on both the north and south sides of the access throat.
      27.   On the south side of Evans Court, between Park Boulevard and the east boundary of the library.
      28.   On the north side of Library Lane from Park Boulevard to the east boundary of the library.
      29.   On the east side of Park Boulevard between Library Lane and Evans Court.
      30.   On the east and west sides of Sunnydale Boulevard for a distance of one hundred feet (100') north and south of its intersection with Meadow Lane.
      31.   On the south and west sides of Tall Tree Road from the intersection of Bartlett Road to the intersection with Ashton Court.
      32.   From the intersection of Bourbon Parkway and Barrington Road west two hundred fifty feet (250') on both the north and south sides of Bourbon Parkway.
      33.   On the east and west sides of West Greenmeadows from the intersection of Old Church Road north for a distance of one hundred twenty feet (120').
      34.   On the west side of McKool Avenue from the intersection of Miller Avenue north for a distance of one hundred fifty five feet (155').
      35.   On the north side of Miller Avenue from the intersection of McKool Avenue west for a distance of two hundred ten feet (210').
      36.   On the west side and east side of Ridge Circle from the intersection of Schaumburg Road South for a distance of one hundred feet (100').
      37.   On the north side of Schaumburg Road from the intersection of Ridge Circle to the intersection of Bartlett Road.
      38.   On the south side of Schaumburg Road from four hundred forty five feet (445') east of its intersection with Park Boulevard to its intersection with Victoria Lane.
      39.   On both the east and west sides of Madison Drive.
      40.   On the south side of Streamwood Boulevard from its intersection with Madison Drive east to its intersection with Polk Court.
      41.   On the west side of McKool Avenue from its intersection with Tinnerella Avenue south to a point one hundred twenty feet (120') south of that intersection.
      42.   On both the east and west sides of Frances Drive.
   P.   On any surface other than an improved surface where parking is not otherwise prohibited. For purposes of this subsection, an improved surface shall be any paved surface or any lawfully existing crushed stone surface. (Ord. 1992-58, 9-17-1992; amd. Ord. 1993-66, 11-4-1993; 1994 Code; Ord. 2004-35, 6-3-2004, eff. 7-1-2005; Ord. 2006-21, 4-20-2006; Ord. 2009-30, 11-19-2009)