ABUTTING: Lying immediately next to, sharing a common wall or lot line or separated only by a street or alley.
A. An "accessory building", "accessory structure", and/or "accessory use" is one which:
1. Is subordinate to and serves a principal building or use;
2. Is subordinate in area, extent or purpose to the principal building or principal use served;
3. Is located on the same lot as the principal building or principal use served, with the single exception of such off street parking areas as may be permitted to locate elsewhere than the same lot as the principal building or principal use; and
4. Shall include, but not be limited to, a children's playhouse, drop off box, garage, garden house, greenhouse, posts affixed to the ground except where provided herein, portable toilet facility, temporary or permanent swimming pool, sign, except where provided herein, shed, shipping or storage container, temporary tent or vending machine.
B. An "attached" accessory building or structure is one which is permanently affixed to or abutting the principal building. All others shall be termed "detached" accessory buildings or structures.
ADJACENT: To lie near, close to or in the vicinity of.
ADULT BOOKSTORE: An establishment having ten percent (10%) or more of its stock in trade, books, magazines and other periodicals, photographs, films, motion pictures, computer software, audiotapes, videotapes, laser disks or other electronic or magnetic media which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas", or an establishment with a segment or section devoted to the sale or display of such material.
ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CABARET: A public or private establishment which is licensed to serve food, and/or alcoholic beverages on the premises, which features live entertainment distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas", for observation by patrons therein including, but not limited to, topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators or similar entertainers.
ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THEATER: A public or private establishment which features live entertainment distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas", for observation by patrons therein including, but not limited to, topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators or similar entertainers.
ADULT MINI-MOTION PICTURE THEATER: An enclosed building with a capacity for less than fifty (50) persons used for presenting motion picture films, slides, videocassettes, cable television, computer generated displays, or any other such visual media distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas", for observation by patrons therein.
ADULT MOTION PICTURE THEATER: An enclosed building with a capacity of fifty (50) or more persons used for presenting motion picture films, slides, videocassettes, cable television, computer generated displays, or any other such visual media, distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas", for observation by patrons therein.
ADULT REGULATED USE: Any use of land, a building or a structure which contains any one or more of the following:
A. Adult bookstore;
B. Adult entertainment cabaret;
C. Adult entertainment theater;
D. Adult mini-motion picture theater;
E. Adult motion picture theater; and/or
F. Establishments serving alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises which also provide live entertainment for observation by patrons thereon.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS: Non-medical cannabis as defined in the Adult-Use Cannabis Act.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS ACT: The Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act (410 ILCS 705/1 et seq.) and as may, from time-to-time, be amended.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS BUSINESS ORGANIZATION: An adult-use cannabis craft grower, cultivation center, dispensary, infuser, processor or transporter as defined in the adult-use cannabis act.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS CULTIVATION CENTER: A facility operated by an adult-use business organization that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to cultivate, process, transport and perform necessary activities to provide cannabis and cannabis-infused products to licensed adult-use cannabis organizations, per the Adult-Use Cannabis Act.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS DISPENSARY: A facility operated by an adult-use cannabis business organization that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to acquire cannabis from licensed adult- use cannabis organizations for the purpose of selling or dispensing cannabis, cannabis-infused products, cannabis seeds, paraphernalia or related supplies to purchasers or to qualified registered medical cannabis patients and caregivers, per the Adult-Use Cannabis Act.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS GROWER: A facility operated by an adult-use cannabis business organization that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to cultivate, dry, cure and package cannabis and perform other necessary activities to make cannabis available for sale at an adult-use cannabis dispensary or use by an adult- use cannabis processor, per the Adult- Use Cannabis Act.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS INFUSER: A facility operated by an adult-use cannabis business organization that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to directly incorporate cannabis or cannabis concentrate into a product formulation to produce a cannabis-infused product, per the Adult-Use Cannabis Act.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS PROCESSOR: A facility operated by an adult-use cannabis business organization that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to either extract constituent chemicals or compounds to produce cannabis concentrate or incorporate cannabis or cannabis concentrate into a product formulation to produce a cannabis product, per the Adult-Use Cannabis Act.
ADULT-USE CANNABIS TRANSPORTER: An adult-use cannabis business organization that is licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture to transport cannabis on behalf of an adult-use cannabis organization or a community college licensed under the Community College Cannabis Vocational Training Pilot Program, per the Adult-Use Cannabis Act.
ADULT USES: Those uses which are distinguished or characterized by their principal emphasis on matters depicting, describing or relating to nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement or sadomasochistic abuse or an establishment with a segment or section devoted to the sale or display of such material or entertainment. These uses include, but are not limited to, adult only bookstores, adult only motion picture theaters, adult only amusement arcades or game areas, massage parlors and saunas.
ADVERTISING STRUCTURE, OTHER: Any marquee, fixed canopy, fixed or retractable awning, which includes as a part thereof, any "sign" as herein defined.
ALLEY: A public right of way which affords a secondary means of access to abutting properties. An alley shall not be considered a street.
ALTERATION: Any change in size, shape, occupancy or use of a building or lot.
AREA, GROSS: The total area of all property to be included in an application for a planned unit development, excluding any property currently controlled as a public right of way.
AUTOMOBILE LAUNDRY, AUTOMATIC: A structure in which motor vehicles are washed as they are mechanically moved along a track or similar production line method.
AUTOMOBILE LAUNDRY, SELF-SERVE: A building or section thereof containing facilities for washing more than two (2) motor vehicles, using mechanical devices and providing space, water and equipment for the hand washing of motor vehicles by the customer.
AUTOMOBILE MINIMARKET: An automobile service station which offers or includes as an accessory use, the retail sale of merchandise or services not related to the maintenance, service or repair of motor vehicles.
AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION: Any building, land area, or other premises, or portion thereof, used or intended to be used for the retail dispensing or sale of vehicular fuel, and may include any operations specified under the definition of Automotive Maintenance Or Repair Facility.
AUTOMOBILE WRECKING YARD: Any area of land where two (2) or more vehicles, not in running condition, or the parts thereof, are stored in the open and are not being restored to operation; or any land, building, or structures used for the wrecking or storing of such automobiles, or the parts thereof.
AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR FACILITY: Any building or portion thereof, used for the repair of a motor vehicle, painting of motor vehicles, used for the repair or replacement of engines, transmissions, differentials, drive trains, or any parts thereof, in addition to the replacement of parts, service, and incidental repairs to motor vehicles.
AWNING: A rooflike cover, temporary in nature, which projects from the wall of a building.
BASEMENT: A story having part, but not more than one-half (1/2), of its height below grade.
BEDROOM: Any room (other than a living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, utility room or any storage area) which can be utilized as a sleeping area under the provisions of this title and the building code.
BERM, BERMING: A hill or contour of land that acts as a visual barrier between a lot and adjacent properties, alleys or streets.
BLOCK: A tract of land bounded by streets, or a combination of streets and public parks, golf course, cemeteries, railroad rights of way, or shorelines of waterways. A block may be located, in part, beyond the boundaries of the village of Streamwood.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The board of trustees of the village of Streamwood, Cook County, Illinois.
BOAT: Any unit that is used for water travel or pleasure including the trailer for towing it.
BODY ART: The practice of physical body adornment, including, but not limited to, the following techniques: body piercing, tattooing, cosmetic tattooing, branding, and scarification. This definition excludes any practices that are considered medical prcedures by the Illinois State Medical Board, such as implants under the skin, which shall not be performed in a body art establishment. This definition also excludes piercing of the non-cartilaginous portion or lobe of the ear with pre-sterilized single-use stud-and- clasp ear-piercing systems.
BODY ART ESTABLISHMENT: A piercing operation, a tattooing operation, body modification establishment or a combination of all operations in a multiple-type establishment, whether public or private, temporary or permanent in nature or location, profit or not for profit.
BODY ARTIST: A person who conducts or practices body art activities and/or procedures.
BUFFERING: Any means of protecting abutting properties from the visual or auditory effects of a different or more intense use. "Buffering" may include, but is not limited to, berming, fencing, landscaping, providing greater setbacks or providing open spaces.
BUILDING: Any structure built for the enclosure, shelter, support, or protection of person, animals or property of any kind and which is permanently affixed to the ground. The term "building" shall not include fences.
BUILDING CODE: The building codes of the village of Streamwood as specified in title 9 of this code.
BUILDING, COMPLETELY ENCLOSED: Any building separated on all sides from the adjacent open space, or from other buildings, by a permanent roof and by exterior walls or party walls pierced only by windows and normal entrance or exit doors.
BUILDING, DETACHED: A building completely surrounded by open space.
BUILDING HEIGHT: The vertical distance measured from the established finished grade of the lot to the highest point of the underside of the ceiling beams, in the case of a flat roof; and, to the mean level of the underside of rafters between the eaves and the ridge of a gable, hip, mansard, or gambrel roof. Chimneys, spires, towers, elevator penthouses, tanks, and similar projections other than signs shall not be included in calculating the height.
BUILDING, NONCONFORMING: Any legally established building which does not comply with all the regulations concerning yards, height, lot coverage and off street parking and loading of the district in which such building is located.
BUILDING, PRINCIPAL: A nonaccessory building in which the principal use is conducted.
BUILDING WALL: When used for calculating allowable wall signage, the linear footage of a tenanted space multiplied by the building height, which is the vertical distance measured from the finished grade to the underside of the ceiling beams (see figure 1 of this definition).
BULK: A composition term used to indicate the size and setbacks of buildings and their location with respect to one another and including the following:
A. Size and height of buildings;
B. Locations of exterior walls at all levels, in relation to lot lines, streets or other buildings;
C. Floor area ratios;
D. All open spaces allocated to buildings; and
E. Amount of lot area provided per dwelling unit.
CAR WASH: See definitions of Automobile Laundry.
CARGO TRUCK: A truck whose design characteristics include a storage area in the form of an open, walled, or fenced bed, or of an enclosed, boxlike storage compartment, designed for the carrying of equipment or materials; the term is intended to include vehicles commonly referred to as flatbed trucks, stake trucks, box trucks, and straight trucks, but is not intended to include pickup trucks or vans.
CARPORT: An open sided, roofed automobile shelter.
CELLAR: A story having more than one-half (1/2) of its height below grade.
CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORES: A retail store where more than ten percent (10%) of the retail space is devoted to tobacco sales.
CLINIC: A building, the principal use of which is for offices of health professionals which contain facilities for examination and treatment of patients but not for their lodging.
CLUB OR LODGE, PRIVATE: A nonprofit association of persons who are bona fide members paying dues which owns, hires, or leases a building or portion thereof, the use of such premises being restricted to members and their guests.
COMMERCIAL COMMUNICATION TOWER: A structure, typically higher than its diameter and in relation to its surrounds, of a skeletal framework specifically used for the commercial transmission and/or reception of signals, including, but not limited to, electrical waves, including adjunct antennas placed upon other structures (i.e., signs and poles).
COMMERCIAL TRAILER: A portable structure supported by wheels, jacks, skids or blocks without a permanent foundation which is towed or hauled by another vehicle and used for carrying materials, goods or objects in furtherance of any commercial or industrial purpose, or used as a temporary office.
COMMERCIAL VEHICLE: Any vehicle operated for the transportation of persons or property in the furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise, for hire and not for hire; the following motor vehicles that, by virtue of their design, type, or characteristics, are not customary and incidental to the use or occupancy of residential properties, shall be considered prohibited commercial vehicles: dump trucks, cargo trucks, step vans, tow trucks, car haulers, semitrailer tractors, tank trucks, boom trucks, tractors, firetrucks, taxis, farm implements (except when used in an agricultural use authorized under this code), and hearses. In addition, a vehicle will be considered to be a commercial vehicle if the same allows for property and/or equipment to be stored and/or transported in a manner which is not completely enclosed within such vehicle.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: The person appointed by the board of trustees as the director of the community development department, or in his absence, his authorized representative.
COMMUNITY RESIDENCES: A single dwelling unit occupied on a relatively permanent basis in a family like environment by a group of unrelated persons with disabilities, plus paid professional support staff provided by a sponsoring agency, either living with the residents on a twenty four (24) hour basis, or present whenever residents with disabilities are present at the dwelling unit; and complies with the zoning regulations for the district in which the site is located.
COMPUTER SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT: A business whose primary function is to provide patrons with the on site use of personal computer stations for internet access, word processing, printing, desktop publishing, computer games, or other functions typically associated with the use of computers.
CONVALESCENT HOME: See definition of Nursing Home.
CURB LEVEL: The level of the established curb in front of a structure measured at the center of such front. Where no such curb elevation has been established, the elevation of the crown of the access roadway fronting the center of the lot shall be considered the curb level.
DAYCARE CENTER: Any childcare facility receiving more than eight (8) children for daytime care during part of a day where tuition, fees or other forms of compensation for the care of children is charged. The terms "daycare center", "centers", "day nurseries", "nursery schools", "kindergartens", "play groups" and "centers or workshops for mentally or physically handicapped" are included with or without stated educational purposes.
DEDICATION: The designation of land to some public use, made by the owner, and accepted for such use by the municipality.
DENSITY: The average number of persons, families or dwelling units per unit of area.
DISABILITY: A physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of a person's major life activities, impairs their ability to live independently, or a record of having such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment, but such term does not include current use of, nor addiction to, a controlled substance.
DROP OFF BOX: A stand alone structure for the collection of materials, items or funds.
DWELLING, MULTIPLE-FAMILY: A building containing two (2) or more dwelling units, primarily used for one or more permitted residential uses or occupied by more than one family.
DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY: A building designed exclusively for human habitation containing one dwelling unit and used by one family.
DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED: A dwelling which is joined to another dwelling on one or more sides by a vertical party wall or walls, and was originally constructed for said purpose.
DWELLING, TWO-FAMILY: A building designed exclusively for human habitation containing two (2) dwelling units.
DWELLING UNIT: One or more rooms, including at least one complete permanently installed bathroom and not more than one complete kitchen, which are arranged, designed or used as living quarters for not more than one family.
EASEMENT: A recorded agreement whereby a property owner grants the use of air, land or mineral right for a specific purpose.
ENERGY COLLECTING DEVICE: A tool to collect, store and dispense electrical energy from a nonutility source including, but not limited to, solar and wind generators.
FAMILY: One person, or two (2) or more persons related by blood, marriage or legal adoption (including foster children), or a group of not more than five (5) persons not all so related, together with domestic servants, maintaining a common household in the same dwelling unit.
FENCE: A barrier at grade, used as a boundary or means of protection or confinement. The term "fence" shall include, but is not limited to, walls, railings and similar items.
FENCE, SCREENING: A fence which conceals activities conducted behind it from view from adjoining properties, alleys or streets.
FLOOR AREA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING OFF STREET PARKING AND OFF STREET LOADING REQUIREMENTS: The sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of the building, or portion thereof, devoted to a use requiring off street parking or loading. This area shall include accessory storage areas located within a selling or working space, such as counters, racks, or closets, and any basement floor area devoted to retailing activities, to the production or processing of goods, or to business or professional offices. However, floor area, for the purpose of determining off street parking spaces, shall not include floor area devoted primarily to storage purposes (except as otherwise noted herein); nor floor area devoted to off street parking or loading facilities, including ramps, aisles, and maneuvering space; nor basement floor area other than area devoted to merchandising activities, to the production or processing of goods, or to business or professional offices.
FLOOR AREA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING THE FLOOR AREA RATIO, CONVERSIONS OF EXISTING STRUCTURES, AND MAXIMUM SIZE OF BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS: The sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors measured in square feet, including the basement floor, but not including the cellar floor, of the building; measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the centerline of walls separating two (2) buildings. The floor area of a building shall also include elevator shafts and stairwells at each floor; floor space used for mechanical equipment except equipment, open or enclosed, located on the roof; penthouse; attic space having headroom of seven feet six inches (7'6") or more; interior balconies and mezzanines; enclosed porches; and floor area devoted to accessory uses; provided, that any space devoted to off street parking or loading shall not be included in floor area.
FLOOR AREA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING THE FLOOR AREA RATIO, CONVERSIONS OF EXISTING STRUCTURES, AND MAXIMUM SIZE OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS: The sum of the gross horizontal areas of all floors measured in square feet, including the basement floor, but not including the cellar floor, of the building; measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls. The floor area shall also include attic space having headroom of seven feet six inches (7'6") or more; enclosed porches or patios; provided, that sheds and any space devoted to required off street parking shall not be included in floor area.
FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR): The numerical value obtained through dividing the gross floor area of a building or buildings by the lot area on which such building or buildings are located.
FOOD STORES: Stores which sell food and other items commonly sold in connection therewith. The term "food store" shall include, but is not limited to, stores commonly referred to as dairy stores, delicatessens, fruit and vegetable markets, butcher shops, health food stores, nut shops, fish markets and supermarkets. This term shall not include services for the consumption of food on the premises.
GARAGES: An accessory structure intended for storing motor vehicles, which include a driveway from the street to the structure.
GRADE: Average level of the finished surface of the ground adjacent to the exterior wall of a structure.
HALFWAY HOUSE: A temporary residential living arrangement for persons who are receiving therapy and counseling from support staff who are present at all times when residents are present, to help them recuperate from the effects of drugs or alcohol addiction.
HEIGHT: The vertical distance from grade or its equivalent to the highest point of any structure, other than a building, such as a fence or shed.
HOLDING ZONE: A zone established in this zoning title on a temporary basis awaiting applications for rezoning to desired uses predicated upon recommendations in the village comprehensive plan. The village of Streamwood has designated the R-2 single- family residence district as a "holding zone".
HOME OCCUPATION: Any use conducted within a dwelling unit and its permitted accessory building which is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of such buildings as a dwelling and which complies with all regulations of this title, and particularly those of chapter 4 of this title. Garage sales and home sales shall not be considered home occupations.
HOSPICE: A temporary residential living arrangement for persons with a disease that requires full time support, therapy and/or treatment.
HOTEL: A building containing lodging rooms, a general kitchen and dining room, a common entrance lobby, halls and stairway; and where lodging rooms do not have a doorway opening directly to the outdoors, except for emergencies; and where more than fifty percent (50%) of the lodging rooms are for rent, with or without meals, to transient guests for a continuous period of less than thirty (30) days.
KENNEL: Any premises wherein any person engages in the business of boarding, breeding, buying, letting for hire, training for a fee, or selling dogs or cats.
KITCHEN: An area used or designated specifically for the preparation and storage of food, which shall include, but not be limited to, a sink, refrigerator, stove and/or oven.
LANDSCAPED SCREENING: A dense nondeciduous planting of a thickness sufficient to form a visual barrier between the properties involved.
LIMOUSINE: A motor vehicle for hire, generally with an extended chassis or longer vehicle body.
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT: The performance of any dance, show, theatrical performance, play, magical act, musical song or athletic event by one or more entertainers for observation by guests, customers or members of the business establishment.
LOADING BERTH: That area used by trucks or other vehicles for receipt or distribution of materials or merchandise.
LOT: A single tract of land within a block under unified ownership or control.
LOT AREA: The area of a horizontal plane bounded by the front, side and rear lot lines of a lot.
LOT, BUILDABLE AREA: The space remaining on a zoning lot after the minimum open space requirements of this code have been complied with.
LOT, CORNER: A lot situated at the intersection of two (2) streets, the interior angle formed by such intersection not exceeding one hundred thirty five degrees (135°).
LOT COVERAGE: That portion or percentage of a lot permitted to be covered by structures or any impervious surface, excepting required minimum off street parking.
LOT DEPTH: The mean horizontal distance between the front lot line and the rear lot line of a lot measured within the lot boundaries.
LOT LINE: That property boundary line of a lot.
LOT LINE, FRONT: That lot line which abuts a street. On a corner lot, the front lot line shall be the lot line having the shorter length abutting a street.
LOT LINE, REAR: That lot line which is most distant from and parallel to or most nearly parallel to the front lot line. In an irregularly shaped lot, the rear lot line shall be a line at least ten feet (10') in length within the lot, parallel to and at the maximum distance from the front yard line.
LOT LINE, SIDE: Any lot line which is not a front yard line or a rear yard line.
LOT OF RECORD: A lot which is part of a subdivision, the plat of which has been approved by the village of Streamwood and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Cook County, Illinois.
LOT, REVERSE CORNER: A corner lot where the street side lot line is substantially a continuation of the front lot line of the first lot to its rear.
LOT, THROUGH: A lot having opposite lot lines along two (2) more or less parallel streets.
LOT WIDTH: The width of a lot as measured at the building setback line from side lot line to side lot line.
LOT, ZONING: A single tract of land located within a single block and undivided by a public street or right of way, which at the time of filing of an application for a building or use permit is noted by its owner as a tract to be used, developed or built upon under unified ownership or control.
MEDICAL CANNABIS: Non-adult-use cannabis as defined in the Medical Cannabis Act.
MEDICAL CANNABIS ACT: The Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act (410 ILCS 130/1 et seq.) and as may, from time-to-time, be amended.
MENU BOARD: Any sign erected along a drive-through window traffic lane directing attention to a bill of fare.
MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT: A tract of land or building or structure developed for two (2) or more different uses such as, but not limited to, residential, office, manufacturing, retail, public or entertainment uses.
MOTOR FREIGHT TERMINAL: A building or area in which freight brought by motor truck is received, assembled or stored and dispatched for routing by motor truck which may include motor truck storage.
MOTOR VEHICLE OR VEHICLE: Any motorized, self-propelled vehicle of a type that may be used to convey persons or materials or to perform a task, other than home maintenance equipment (such as riding lawn mowers or snowblowers) and mobile construction equipment not licensable for public street use.
MUNICIPAL CODE: The municipal code of the village of Streamwood.
NONCONFORMING BUILDING OR STRUCTURE: Any building or structure and the use thereof or the use of land that does not conform with the regulations of this title or any amendment thereto governing use in the district in which it is located, but conformed with all of the codes, ordinances and other legal requirements applicable at the time such building or structure was erected, enlarged or altered and the use thereof or the use of land was established.
NURSING HOME: An institution for the care of children or aged or infirm persons or a place of rest for those suffering bodily disorders. A nursing home may include rehabilitation housing for released mental or alcoholic patients where medical treatment is not provided and no longer deemed necessary, but shall not include hospitals or clinics devoted primarily to the diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury.
OPEN SALES LOT: Land used or occupied for the purpose of buying, selling or renting merchandise out of doors.
OPEN SPACE: That part of a lot not devoted to buildings, structures, parking or loading areas, driveways or any principal or accessory use.
OPEN SPACE, USABLE: An area of land or water or a combination of land and water which may include complementary structures and improvements within the site, excluding space devoted to parking, designed and intended for common use and enjoyment.
ORDINANCE: The Streamwood zoning ordinance (this title).
PASSENGER SHELTER: A structure designed to protect from the weather those awaiting public transportation.
PATIO: A level, unenclosed surfaced area located at the finished grade which is usually directly adjacent or attached to a building.
PAVING BRICKS: A concrete or fireclayed material with a minimum two inch (2") thickness which is able to withstand weight imposed by proposed load.
PAWNBROKERS: Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of receiving possession of personal property other than a motor vehicle in pledge or as security for money or other thing advanced to the pawner or pledger.
PAYDAY LOAN FACILITIES: An establishment which engages in the business of offering payday loans, which is a loan transaction where a postdated check or other check that the parties agree will be held for a period of time prior to presentment for payment or deposit is accepted as collateral for the loan.
PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: A unique development of a tract of land, under unified ownership or control, in accordance with the provisions of this title.
PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD: The planning and zoning board of the village of Streamwood as established in accordance with title 2, chapter 1 of this code is the planning and zoning board referred to in this zoning title.
POD: Any portable container, with or without wheels, used for temporary storage of household items or construction equipment.
PORCH: A roofed over, but otherwise unenclosed structure, projecting out from the wall or walls of a main structure. The enclosure of such a porch to a height of not more than three feet (3') with a railing, and that railing remaining fifty percent (50%) open to the weather, shall not be deemed enclosed. All porches shall have a continuous trenched foundation around the perimeter.
PREMISES: A lot, together with all improvements thereon.
PROPERTY LINES: See definition of Lot Line.
RAIN GARDEN: A shallow depression in a yard that is planted with native wetland or wet prairie wildflowers and grasses and that collects rainwater runoff from downspouts or sump pumps.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE: Any unit designed primarily for living or sleeping purposes, equipped with wheels or placed upon a wheeled device for the purpose of transporting from place to place. This term shall include, but not be limited to, camping trailers, campers, tent trailers, motor coaches, tent campers, and shall include also those wheeled devices upon which they are placed. For the purposes of this definition, boats, snowmobiles and those wheeled devices upon which they are placed, utility trailers used for noncommercial purposes, and racing car trailers are included, and shall be counted separately as a recreational vehicle herein.
RESEARCH LABORATORY: A building or group of buildings in which are located facilities for scientific research, investigation, testing, or experimentation, but not facilities for the manufacture or sale of products, except as incidental to the main purpose of the laboratory.
RESIDENTIALLY ZONED LOT: A parcel of land, whether platted or not, that is zoned R-0, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 or R-5, under this code.
RESTAURANT, CARRYOUT: Any business establishment where food is prepared for sale for consumption off the premises of the business establishment, which provides no seating accommodations for patrons either within or outside the structure and which posts signs regarding the prohibition of consuming food upon the premises both inside and outside of business establishment.
RESTAURANT, SIT DOWN: Any establishment, the primary purpose of which is to offer food for sale and served for consumption at tables in nondisposable containers on the premises within the structure.
RIGHT OF WAY, PUBLIC: An accessway dedicated to public uses.
RIGHT OF WAY, RAILROAD: A strip of land with tracks and appurtenant track operational facilities.
SENIOR HOUSING (ASSISTED AND SUPPORTIVE LIVING RESIDENCES): Multi-family or single-family residential dwelling units designed for persons aged fifty five (55) years and older, which generally includes twenty four (24) hour protective oversight and assistance for individuals with functional limitations, where such assistance may include help with activities of daily living; administration of medicine; first aid and medical care for minor ailments; and round the clock protective oversight.
SENIOR HOUSING (INDEPENDENT LIVING RESIDENCES): Multi-family or single-family residential dwelling units designed for persons aged fifty five (55) years and older, which may or may not offer meal service to residents and may offer a limited array of supportive care services and/or service coordination.
SETBACK: The minimum horizontal distance between a lot line and the nearest side of a structure to such lot line.
SHED: A single storied structure built for storage of materials and equipment excluding automobiles.
SIGN: Every name, identification, description, announcement, declaration, demonstration, display, flag, illustration or insignia, and the structure displaying or supporting any of the same, affixed directly or indirectly to or upon any building or outdoor structure, erected or maintained upon land, which directs attention to an object, product, place, activity, person, institution, organization or business. The term "sign" shall not include any nonflashing, nonrotating, nonmoving, nonanimated device which is entirely within any enclosed building, whether or not said sign or device can be observed from the outside of the building.
SIGN, ADVERTISING: A sign which directs attention to a profession, business, activity, commodity, service or entertainment other than one conducted, sold or offered upon the premises where such sign is located, or within the building to which such sign is affixed.
SIGN AREA: The entire face of a sign, including the advertising surface and any framing, trim or molding, but not including the supporting structure.
SIGN, BUSINESS: A sign which directs attention to a profession or business conducted, or to a commodity, service, activity or entertainment sold or offered upon the premises where such sign is located or in the building to which such sign is affixed.
SIGN, CONSTRUCTION: Any sign identifying individuals or companies involved in design, construction, wrecking, financing or development when placed upon the premises where work is under construction, but only for the duration of construction or wrecking.
SIGN FACE: The surface of the sign upon, against or through which the message of the sign is displayed.
SIGN, FLASHING: Any illuminated sign on which the artificial light or lights are not maintained stationary or constant in intensity and color at all times when such sign is illuminated. For the purpose of this title, any moving illuminated sign shall be considered a flashing sign.
SIGN, GROUND: A sign which is supported by upright braces or some object on the ground, with not more than two feet (2') of clear space between the bottom of the face of the sign and the grade beneath the sign face.
SIGN, ILLUMINATED: Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs or outline illuminated by electric lights, luminous tubes, or any other means of artificial illumination.
SIGN, INSTRUCTIONAL: Any sign which notifies or instructs the public as to limitations or regulations relating to designated uses of certain parcels of property or public or private streets or rights of way, and including warning signs, exit signs, traffic signs and directional signs for parking or parking restrictions.
SIGN, MONUMENT: A sign placed at the major entrance to a large commercial shopping center.
SIGN, MOVING: Any sign which revolves, rotates, swings, undulates, or otherwise attracts attention by moving parts, whether operated by mechanical equipment or by natural sources, but not including flags or banners.
SIGN, POLITICAL: A temporary sign announcing the support or opposition of a candidate, issue, party or referendum.
SIGN, PROJECTING: Any sign which is attached to a building or other structure and extends beyond the line of said building or structure or beyond the surface of that portion of the building or structure to which it is attached by more than twelve inches (12").
SIGN, RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: A sign placed at the major entrances to a subdivision or a planned unit development identifying that subdivision or planned unit development.
SIGN, ROOF: Any sign erected, constructed, and maintained upon or over the roof or top of the wall, wall tower or turret of any building with the principal support on the roof structure.
SIGN, TEMPORARY: Any sign, banner, pennant, valance or advertising display that by intent is not permanent, constructed of cloth, canvas, lightweight fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other lightweight materials with or without frames, intended to be displayed for a short period of time only.
SIGN, WALL: Any sign attached to and supported by the exterior surface of the wall of a building or structure in a place substantially parallel to that of supporting wall.
SIGN, WINDOW: A temporary or permanent sign which is visible to persons in the public right of way and which is placed within or on the inside of a glass window or on the inside of a building and within one foot (1') of a window or one that can be seen from the outside of a building.
SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREA: Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttock and female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola or human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely or opaquely covered.
SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES: Human genitals, in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal, acts of human masturbation, oral copulation, sexual intercourse or sodomy, actual or simulated, and/or fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic regions, buttock, anus or female breast.
STORY: That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above, or if there is no floor above, the space between the floor and the ceiling next above.
STREET: A public or private right of way or easement which affords a primary means of access to abutting properties. An alley shall not be considered a street.
STRUCTURAL ALTERATION: Any change other than incidental repairs which would prolong the life of the supporting members of a building, such as the addition or alteration of bearing walls, columns, beams, girders or foundations.
STRUCTURE: Anything constructed or erected which requires location on the ground or is attached to something having location on the ground. The term "structure" shall include buildings, swimming pools, decks and gazebos, but shall not include fences.
SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: The subdivision ordinance of the village of Streamwood (title 10 of this code).
TAVERN (COCKTAIL LOUNGE): An establishment where liquors are sold to be consumed on the premises.
TOXIC MATERIAL: A substance (liquid, solid, or gaseous) which by reason of an inherent deleterious property, when emitted in any amount, is injurious to living organisms of plants, animals, and human beings.
TRAILER: A portable structure supported by wheels, jacks, skids or blocks without a permanent foundation, which is towed or hauled by another vehicle and used for carrying materials, goods or objects, or used for temporary occupancy or temporary offices.
TRAILER BED: That portion of a trailer designed to make contact with and bear the weight of the load to be carried.
TYPE I VEHICLE: A motor vehicle that is not greater than seven feet six inches (7'6") in height, not greater than twenty two feet (22') in length, with a weight of not over eight thousand (8,000) pounds and that is not a prohibited "commercial vehicle" or a "recreational vehicle" as defined herein.
TYPE II VEHICLE: A. A motor vehicle that would, without roof attachments, qualify as a type I vehicle, but which does not exceed eight feet (8') in height with roof attachments, or
B. A motor vehicle that would, without a snowplow blade attachment, qualify as a type I vehicle, or
C. A motor vehicle with both of the circumstances described in subsections A and B of this definition, or
D. Limousines that do not exceed the type III vehicle size thresholds.
TYPE III VEHICLE: A motor vehicle that is:
A. Either greater than seven feet six inches (7'6") in height or greater than twenty two feet (22') in length, or more than eight thousand (8,000) pounds and that is not a type II vehicle, or a "recreational vehicle" as defined herein, or
B. Either less than seven feet six inches (7'6") in height or less than twenty two feet (22') in length, or less than eight thousand (8,000) pounds and allows for property to be stored and/or transported in a manner that is not safe or completely enclosed.
UNIT SIZE: The sum of the gross floor area, excluding any basement or attached garage.
USE: The purpose or activity for which the land or the buildings thereon is designed, arranged or intended or for which it is occupied or maintained.
USE, ACCESSORY: See definition of Accessory Building, Structure Or Use.
USE, INCOMPATIBLE: A use which is adverse to other uses in a district.
USE, NONCONFORMING: Any established use of land or a structure which is not a permitted or special use in the district in which such use is located.
USE, PERMITTED: A use which may be lawfully established in a particular district, provided that it conforms with all requirements and regulations of such district.
USE, PRINCIPAL: The main use, either permitted or special, of land or buildings as distinguished from a subordinate or accessory use.
USE, SPECIAL: As listed in each district, a use subject to special provisions and which, because of unique characteristics, cannot be properly classified as a permitted use.
VARIATION: An exception to any dimensional or quantitative requirements of this title.
VEHICLE STACKING AREA: An area of pavement designed to allow for the queuing of vehicles at drive-throughs, or other similar facilities, assuming a twenty two foot (22') front bumper to front bumper spacing ratio between vehicles. The vehicle stacking area shall be calculated to include the vehicle stationed at the service window as the first vehicle in the queue, and include each vehicle which queues behind the first vehicle.
VEHICLE WEIGHT: Shall be determined by the lowest license plate weight classification that could be placed on a vehicle, not by the actual license plate on the vehicle.
VENDING MACHINE: A machine for dispensing merchandise, designed to be operated by the consumer.
VIDEO GAMING: The play or simulation of play of a video game located within a video gaming establishment on a video gaming terminal in accordance with the Video Gaming Act.
VIDEO GAMING ACT: The Video Gaming Act (230 ILCS 40/1 et seq.) and as may, from time-to-time, be amended.
VIDEO GAMING ESTABLISHMENT: Any licensed retail establishment where alcoholic beverages are served for on premises consumption, any qualified fraternal organization that derives its charter from a national fraternal organization, or any qualified veterans organization that derives its charter from a national veterans organization, where video gaming is authorized in accordance with the Video Gaming Act.
VIDEO GAMING TERMINAL: Any electronic video game machine located within a video gaming establishment that, upon insertion of cash, is available for play or simulation of play of a video game utilizing a video display and microprocessors in which a player may receive free games or credits that can be redeemed for cash, in accordance with the Video Gaming Act.
WHOLESALE ESTABLISHMENT: A business establishment engaged in selling to retailers or distributors rather than to consumers.
YARD: An open space on a lot extending along a lot line and to a depth or width specified in the yard requirements of the zoning district in which such lot is located.
YARD, CORNER SIDE: A side yard which adjoins a public street.
YARD, FRONT: A yard bounded by the front lot line and the side lot lines to a depth specified as the front yard requirement in each district.
YARD, REAR: A yard bounded by the rear lot line and side lot lines to a depth specified as the rear yard requirements in each district.
YARD, SIDE: A yard extending along a side lot line from the front yard to the rear yard to a width specified as the side yard requirements in each district.
YARDS, OVERLAPPING: That area created by two (2) intersecting required yards (see figure 2 of this definition).
(Ord. 2009-34, 12-3-2009, eff. 1-1-2010; amd. Ord. 2015-9, 5-7-2015; Ord. 2019-44, 12-19-2019; Ord. 2024-12, 8-15-2024)