All proposed developments as permitted in this district shall comply with the following development standards.
   (a)   Principal Building Coverage. The total ground floor area of principal buildings in a development shall cover no more than 20% of the development site.
   (b)    Density. A maximum of 15 dwelling units per acre may be permitted in this district. The total number of units permitted shall be calculated by multiplying the total contiguous land area within the development site owned by the applicant(s), exclusive of public streets existing at the time the site plan is submitted, by the density permitted per acre.
   (c)   Required Setbacks.
      (1)    All principal buildings shall be set back from:
         A.   A public right-of-way a distance not less than 80 feet.
         B.   Private streets, parking lots, and other primary vehicular access ways a distance not less than 20 feet, except that detached garages may be adjacent to parking lots.
         C.   Adjacent property 40 feet, except that when adjacent to commercial development it may be decreased to 20 feet.
      (2)   All parking lots shall be setback from:
         A.   A public right-of-way a distance of not less than 20 feet.
         B.   Adjacent property a distance of not less than 10 feet, except that the elimination of rear and side setbacks may be conditionally permitted when property owners enter into a joint agreement and the on-site circulation and parking is properly designed.
   (d)   Building Height. The maximum height of any proposed building shall be determined at the time of site plan approval. When abutting a residential development or residential zoning district, any building over 35 feet shall be setback from the property line a distance at least the height of the building.
   (e)   Open Space, Landscaping and Screening Requirements. All proposed developments shall provide and maintain the following landscaping and screening standards.
      (1)   Screening and Landscaping of Parking Lots. Perimeter and interior landscaping of parking lots shall be provided in conformance with the regulations set forth in Section 1181.10(i) subsections (1) and (2).
      (2)   Total Site Landscaping. A minimum of 25% of the total development site shall be maintained in open landscaped area. However, Planning Commission and City Council may consider approving a development with less than that amount considering site conditions including existing open landscaped areas and existing impervious areas. For the purposes of this section, an open landscaped area shall include any open space which is not covered by an impermeable surface, and is covered by grass, trees, shrubs, flowers or an ornamental rock garden.
         (Ord. 2012-115. Passed 9-13-12.)