The owner of any mailbox located in the public right-of-way after the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall be deemed to have agreed to the terms of this section as a condition of the owner's continued use of the right-of-way. If a custom-built mailbox in place at the time of adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter is damaged beyond repair or to the point of requiring replacement or reinstallation, the replacement mailbox must be in compliance with this chapter. Any property owner who places any structure or item of any kind in the right-of-way, including a mailbox, shall hold the City harmless from any liability relating to the construction and maintenance of the structure in the right-of-way or because of any defect therein of said structure or noncompliance with this section. All persons, prior to installing any mailbox in the right-of-way shall contact the Ohio Utility Protection Service prior to beginning any work.
(Ord. 2009-145. Passed 7-9-09.)