(a)   The Urban Forestry Commission shall have the authority to review, recommend and regulate the type of species, planting, spacing, trimming, maintenance and removal of shade trees, shrubbery and other ornamental shrubbery in and along the streets within the public right of way, to control the blight and disease thereof, and to recommend the manner, method and time of planting thereof.
   (b)   The Commission shall have the authority to review, recommend and regulate shade trees, shrubbery and other vegetative plantings, as required by Council or other commissions on the property under any conditional zoning certificate approval, and to recommend the manner, method and time of planting thereof.
   (c)   The Commission shall have the authority to review, recommend and regulate shade trees, shrubbery and other vegetative plantings, including buffer zones, as required by Council or other commissions in residential subdivisions, commercial developments and the development of industrial parks or parcels. Plans shall be submitted to the Commission for approval or disapproval and the Commission shall recommend the manner, method and time of planting thereof.
   (d)   The Commission shall have the authority to review, recommend and regulate shade trees, shrubbery and other vegetative plantings, as required by Council or other commissions on the property to be deeded to the City for public use, open space or for parkland, prior to its acceptance by the City and to recommend the manner, method and time of planting thereof.
   (e)   The Commission shall have the authority to review, recommend and regulate shade trees, shrubbery and other vegetative plantings, as required by Council or other commissions on gas and oil well drilling sites, and to recommend the manner, method and time of planting thereof.
   (f)   The Commission shall have such other authorities and duties concerning the vegetation, landscaping and tree planting and maintenance in the City as may be conferred by resolution or ordinance of Council.
(1979 Code 32.58)