(a)   Building Materials. Materials such as brick, stone, wood, split-faced block are preferred.
      (1)   Smooth-faced non-decorative block shall not be permitted.
      (2)   Dry-Vit, stucco and similar exterior building systems shall be only utilized as an accent treatment occupying no more than twenty percent (20%) of the exterior building wall area.
      (3)   Material that is glazed or highly reflective shall be only utilized as an accent treatment occupying no more than twenty percent (20%) of the exterior building wall area.
      (4)   Use of materials which have colors and tones that are compatible with or complementary to the predominant colors and tones of existing buildings shall be utilized when such existing structures, as determined by the Planning Commission to be appropriate for their location.
   (b)   Building Articulation. Exterior building walls shall not contain expansive areas of blank walls with no articulation. Articulation may be provided through the use of windows, simulated windows, vertical columns or horizontal banding of a different material, color or texture, cornice treatments or other means. Decorative down lighting or up lighting can also be utilized to enhance the appearance. Landscaping, if at least 1/3 the height of the building, can also provide a visual break in order to soften the appearance of a large wall area.
   (c)   Side and Rear Building Wall Articulation. Rear and side of building facades shall be subject to the same requirements as specified in the above subsection (b) above. Planning Commission may make a determination that a lesser treatment is acceptable if the wall façade is not visible from public streets or adjacent properties.
   (d)   Roof Treatment. If pitched, roofs should be articulated with the introduction of dormers and other roof features appropriate to the building design. Expansive areas of roof with no articulation shall not be permitted.
   (e)   Screening of Dumpsters and Mechanical Units.
      (1)   Mechanical equipment on the roof of buildings shall be screened. Acceptable screening methods shall include:
         A.   Locating such equipment on the roof in such a way that it is not visible from adjacent property or a public right-of-way at a height of 5 feet from the ground; or
         B.   Constructing a parapet wall or other structure that utilizes the exterior building material to a sufficient height so that the mechanical equipment is not visible from adjacent property or a public right-of-way at a height of 5 feet above the ground.
      (2)   All other exterior mechanical equipment, dumpsters or the storage of goods or supplies used in the operation of the establishment shall be screened from public rights-of-way and adjacent property with a solid masonry wall constructed of the same material, color and detailing as the principal building. Gates for dumpster enclosures shall not be constructed with chain link fencing. In R-B Districts, a privacy fence and/or dense vegetative planting that provide an opaque buffer through all seasons of the year may be used.
   (f)   Gasoline Service Station. Canopies, carwash and cashier stations or any other structures shall be designed with similar detailing and should be compatible in color with the principle building.
      (1)   Maximum height of canopy shall be 17 feet.
      (2)   Back-lit canopies shall not be permitted.
      (3)   Any graphics located on the canopy shall be considered signage.
         (Ord. 2007-222. Passed 1-10-08.)