The following criteria shall be the basis on which the Preservation Commission approves or disapproves an application for a certification of review depending on the nature of the exterior alteration.
   The criteria contained in "The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation Projects" shall provide specific details and shall take precedence over any conflicting criteria.
   (a)   New Construction.
      (1)   New construction shall be visually compatible with the buildings and environment with which it is visually related, including, but not limited to: the height, and floor-to-area ratio, the proportion between width and height of the exterior, the proportions and relationships between doors and windows, the relationship of solids to voids created by openings in the exterior, the materials used in the exterior, the texture inherent in the exterior, the colors, pattern and trim used in the exterior, and the design of the roof.
      (2)   The relationship of building masses and spaces between them.
      (3)   The site and landscape plan shall be sensitive to the individual building, its occupants and needs, and shall be visually compatible with the buildings and environment with which it is visually related.
      (4)   A new street exterior shall relate to adjacent buildings.
      (5)   Architectural features shall be incorporated whenever possible to relate the new with the old and to preserve and enhance the characteristics of the district.
   (b)   Alterations to Existing Building, Structure or Site.
      (1)   The criteria set forth in subsection (a) hereof shall be considered insofar as applicable to the historic characteristics of the building, structure or site and the buildings, structures and sites visually related to it.
      (2)   Alterations shall not affect the architectural quality or historic character of the building, structure or site, but shall, to the extent possible, maintain or restore the historic design and conditions.
      (3)   Signs shall be compatible with the buildings and environment with which they are visually related.
   (c)   Demolition.
      (1)   The historic, scenic or architectural significance of the buildings, structures or site.
      (2)   The importance of the building or structure to the historic district.
      (3)   The future utilization of the site, including any replacement buildings, structures or landscape.
   (d)   Reconstruction. The reconstruction of a building or structure damaged by fire, storm or other acts of God shall be reviewed by the Committee according to the criteria in subsection (b) hereof. Totally or substantially new construction, regardless of reason, shall be reviewed according to the criteria set forth in subsection (a) hereof.
   (e)   Relocation.
      (1)   The removal of a building or structure from a district or landmark shall be reviewed according to the criteria in subsection (c) hereof.
      (2)   The relocation of a building or structure to a district or landmark shall be reviewed according to the criteria in subsection (a) hereof.
         (Ord. 2012-4. Passed 1-26-12.)