Every application for a demolition permit or building permit, including the accompanying plans and specifications, affecting the exterior architectural appearance of a designated landmark or of a property within a designated historic district shall be forwarded by the Building Department to the Preservation Commission within seven days following receipt of the application by the Department. The Department shall not issue the building or demolition permit until a certificate of appropriateness has been issued by the Commission. Any applicant may request a meeting with the Commission before the application is sent by the Department to the Commission or during the review of the application. The applicant for the certificate of appropriateness shall be notified by the Commission, in accordance with the Codified Ordinances, when the application for the certificate of appropriateness shall be reviewed. Applications for review of construction, alteration, demolition or removal not requiring a building permit for which a certificate of appropriateness is required shall be made on a form prepared by the Commission and available at the office of the Commission. The Commission shall consider the completed application at its next regular meeting. The Commission may establish a subcommittee of five of its members to review routine applications for a certificate of appropriateness when delay to the next regular meeting would create an unnecessary inconvenience to the applicant. A certificate of appropriateness may be issued prior to the next regular meeting upon the signatures of four of the members of the subcommittee.
(Ord. 2012-4. Passed 1-26-12.)