For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   (a)   "Alteration" means any act or process that changes one or more of the exterior architectural features of a structure, including, but not limited to the erection, construction, reconstruction or removal of any structure.
   (b)   "Applicant" means the record owner of a site and/or structure and/or building located thereon, the lessee thereof, or a person holding a bona fide contract to purchase same who makes application for a certificate of review.
   (c)   "Commission" or "Preservation Commission" means the Stow Historic Preservation Review Commission as set forth in Chapter 183 of the Administrative Code.
   (d)   "Certificate of review or appropriateness" means a certificate issued by the Preservation Commission indicating its approval of plans for alteration, construction, removal or demolition of a landmark or of a structure within a historic district.
   (e)   "Certificate of economic hardship" means a certificate issued by the Preservation Commission authorizing an alteration, construction, removal or demolition, even though a certificate of appropriateness has previously been denied.
   (f)   "Construction" means erection of an addition to an existing building or structure or the erection of a new principal or accessory structure on a lot or property.
   (g)   "Demolition" means the complete or constructive removal of any part or whole of a building or structure on any site, including the moving off-site intact of any part or whole of a building or structure.
   (h)   "Exterior architectural appearance" means the architectural character and general composition of the exterior of a structure, including, but not limited to the kind, color and texture of the building material and the type, design and character of all windows, doors, light fixtures, signs and appurtenant elements.
   (i)   "Historic district" means an area designated as a historic district by ordinance of Council and which may contain within definable geographic boundaries one or more landmarks and which may have within its boundaries other properties or structure that, while not of such historic and/or architectural significance to be designated as landmarks, nevertheless contribute to the overall visual characteristics of the landmark or landmarks located within the historic district.
   (j)   "Local historic landmark" means an unimproved parcel of ground or a parcel of ground with improvements of particular historic, scenic or cultural significance which:
      (1)   Reflects the broad cultural, political, economic or social history of the City, State or nation; or
      (2)   Is identified with historic personages or important events in local, state or national history; or
      (3)   Embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type or is a specimen inherently valuable for the study of a period, style, method of construction or use of indigenous materials or craftsmanship; or
      (4)   Is representative of the notable work of a master builder or designer whose individual ability has been recognized or who influenced his age, or is of particular scenic beauty.
   (k)   "Ordinary repairs or maintenance" means work done to prevent deterioration of a building or to correct any deterioration or decay of a building or any part thereof by restoring the building as neatly as practicable to its condition prior to such deterioration or decay.
   (l)   "Owner of record" means the owner in fee simple of real property as indicated in the official records of Summit County regardless of any liens, mortgages or other interest in the property.
   (m)   "Site" means a parcel of ground whether improved or unimproved, under single or multiple ownership by any public or private corporation, association, trust or individual, or any combination thereof.
   (n)   "Structure" means anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires permanent or temporary location on or in the ground, including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, buildings, fences, gazebos, advertising signs, billboards, backstops for tennis courts, radio and television antennas, including supporting towers and swimming pools.
      (Ord. 2012-4. Passed 1-26-12.)