1173.01 PURPOSE.
   (a)   Gas and oil wells shall be permitted only under the following conditions and such other conditions as determined by the City to be necessary to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the community.
   (b)   These regulations are established to conditionally permit the drilling of gas and oil wells in the industrially and certain commercially and residentially zoned areas of the City, and to prescribe, in accordance with, and as a complement to, Ohio R.C. Ch. 1509, the minimum standards and requirements to make the drilling, fracturing, production, termination, and removal of the wells as safe and compatible as possible with other land uses and activities in the City. The Planning Commission is herewith given full authority to make such recommendations as deemed necessary to give full force and effect to the purpose and requirements expressed herein and Council is herewith given final authority to impose such conditions as it shall deem necessary to give full force and effect to the purpose and requirements expressed herein. An appropriate application and compliance with the purpose and requirements of these regulations and all other applicable sections of the City's Codified Ordinances shall be within the discretion of Council, and no such determinations shall serve as precedent to any other application. Each application shall rest solely upon its merit and the prudent use of discretion by Council. All provisions of these regulations shall apply to the proposed well site and drill unit property owner(s), heirs, executors, or assigns, and to the well drilling and production firms, partnerships, associations or corporation and their successors and assigns.
(Ord. 2007-222. Passed 1-10-08.)