A proposal for a multi-family development shall comply with the administrative provisions set forth in Section 1137.04 for Conditional Uses and additionally with the following procedures:
   (a)   Site Plan Review, Approval and Conformance. A site plan shall be required for each multi-family development in order to evaluate a project's compatibility with the surrounding land uses, its compliance with these regulations and its conformance with the Comprehensive Plan.
      (1)   All residential uses proposed to be developed, expanded, modified or otherwise established as part of a multi-family development shall be permitted and zoning certificates issued only after site plans, as specified in Section 1137.03, have been approved by the Planning Commission and Council.
      (2)   Architectural, engineering, or construction information sufficient to give a clear understanding of the proposal and including front-, side- and rear- view renderings, shall be included with the submission of the site plans. A description of the proposed development or operation shall be provided in sufficient detail to indicate possible impacts on adjacent properties and the surrounding area.
      (3)   The site plan shall show the total plan for development and indicate the phases of development.
   (b)   Significance Of An Approved Plan. An approved site plan shall become a binding commitment for the development of the specific elements approved for development. The approved site plan may be transferred to another person, corporation, or group of individuals or corporations prior to the issuance of a building permit. If there is any such transfer or change in ownership, the new ownership entity shall submit to Council and Council shall find that the new ownership entity will satisfy the administrative, financial, legal and all other performance guarantees approved with the original site plan.
   (c)   Changes to An Approved Plan. All construction and development under any building permit shall be in accordance with the approved site plan. Any departure from the approved plans shall be cause for revocation of the conditional zoning certificate. Any changes in approved plans shall be resubmitted for approval in accordance with these multi-family development regulations.
      (Ord. 2007-222. Passed 1-10-08.)