All multi-family developments shall comply with the following supplemental requirements:
   (a)   The architectural design of dwellings in a multi-family development should be developed with consideration given to the relationship of adjacent development in terms of building height, mass, texture, line, pattern, and character.
   (b)   Building sites, parking and service areas, driveway locations, drainage facilities, and other improvements shall be developed with consideration given to minimizing the removal of trees, changes of topography and other factors which will affect the existing character of the surrounding area.
   (c)   Maximum visual and auditory privacy for surrounding properties and occupants shall be provided through the design of the relationship among buildings, fences and walls, landscaping, topography, and open space.
   (d)   Screening of parking areas and service areas from surrounding properties and streets shall be provided through landscaping or ornamental walls or fences to promote harmony with adjacent development and lands. Materials used in any ornamental wall or fence shall be compatible with the character of the proposed development and adjoining properties.
   (e)   On-site traffic circulation shall be designed to make possible adequate fire and police protection and to minimize interference with the traffic carrying capacity of adjacent streets.
   (f)   Refuse storage and pickup facilities shall be indicated on the site plan and shall be fenced, screened, or landscaped to prevent the blowing or scattering of refuse and to provide an adequate visual barrier from locations both on and off site.
    (g)   Grading and surface drainage provisions shall be designed to minimize adverse effects on abutting properties, stream and public streets, and to minimize the possibility of erosion. To as great a degree as possible increased storm water to be generated by the proposed development shall be detained on site. Such grading plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. The costs of any unusual means necessary to alleviate surface drainage problems on adjacent property due to the development in question shall be borne by the developer of the property causing the problem.
   (h)   In the event the developer at any time elects to declare all or any of the units herein authorized as condominium property, as that term is defined in Ohio R.C. Ch. 5311, he/she shall first submit the declaration and information required by Ohio R.C. 5311.05 to the law director for his approval in writing prior to recording in the office of the county recorder. The developer shall submit to the Planning Director for his approval, in writing, the bylaws of the unit owners association as required by Ohio R.C. 5311.08.
   (i)   Common Ownership.
      (1)   Before a zoning certificate or building permit is issued for the construction of a multi-family group development, where two or more buildings are to be grouped on one parcel or land, the owner of that parcel shall be bound by a covenant running with the land, approved by the law director, that so long as any such buildings, or part thereof, are upon that parcel of land, the parcel on which the group is erected shall remain in one parcel.
      (2)   The developer shall not subdivide the parcel or remove the same from common ownership without first obtaining the express permission of the Planning Commission and Council. Should division of ownership be made without such prior approval it shall be grounds for the revocation of this authority since this permission is granted upon the concept of the land and development and considered as a single entity.
         (Ord. 2007-222. Passed 1-10-08.)