As a conditional use, multi-family dwellings shall only be permitted on specific parcels that comply with the following criteria:
   (a)   Location criteria. Lots shall meet the following conditions regulating the location of multi-family dwellings:
      (1)   Shall have direct vehicular access to Steels Corners Road, Hudson Drive or Graham Road.
      (2)   Shall be located in areas that are removed from or where there will be minimal impact on existing single-family development.
      (3)   Shall be located at the edges of the C-7 district when the district abuts a more restrictive zoning district so that the multi-family development serves as a transitional use.
      (4)   The nearest edge of the property shall be located a minimum of 1,000 feet from an interchange right-of-way in order to reserve such locations for office development.
   (b)   Other Approval Criteria. In addition to the general review criteria for conditional uses set forth in Section 1161.02, the Planning Commission and Council shall review a proposed multi-family development giving particular consideration to the following:
      (1)   Buildings within the proposed development shall be located so as to reduce any adverse influences and to protect the character of areas both within and adjacent to the multi-family development;
      (2)   Diversity and originality in individual building design shall be encouraged to achieve the best possible relationship between development and the land;
      (3)   Units and buildings shall be designed and grouped in such a way that natural features are preserved and site grading minimized;
      (4)   The proposed development is located and designed in a manner that the development, or any phase of the development, will not isolate existing residential uses;
      (5)   The bulk and height of buildings within the proposed development are compatible with the surrounding development;
      (6)   Significant buffer zones with adequate landscaping shall be provided between the proposed multi-family dwellings and adjacent development;
      (7)   Roadway systems, service areas, parking areas, entrances, exits, and pedestrian walkways within the multi-family development shall be so designed as to have access to public streets without creating traffic hazards or congestion;
      (8)   The layout of parking areas, service areas, entrances, exits, yards, courts, landscaping, signs, lighting, and other potentially adverse influences shall be designed and located to protect the character within and adjacent to the multi-family development.
         (Ord. 2007-222. Passed 1-10-08.)