Accessory uses, buildings and structures permitted in Industrial Districts shall conform to the following standards.
   (a)   Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings and structures shall conform with all minimum yard requirements for principal buildings specified in Schedule 1147.04. The floor area of accessory buildings, together with the floor area of the principal building on a lot shall conform to the maximum floor area ratio specified in Schedule 1147.03. The height of an accessory building or structure shall comply with the height regulations specified in Section 1147.05.
   (b)   Waste Receptacles. All solid waste products resulting from any permitted principal, conditionally permitted or permitted accessory use that are not disposed of within a building shall be disposed of or stored in a completely enclosed container. Such building, container or dumpster may be located in a side or rear yard, shall comply with the minimum parking setbacks established in Schedule 1147.04 and screening requirements in Section 1147.07(b).
   (c)   Off Street Parking and Loading Regulations. Off-street parking and loading areas shall conform to the minimum parking setback requirements specified in Schedule 1147.04, and shall otherwise conform to the regulations of Chapter 1181.
   (d)   Signs. Signs shall be in compliance with the regulations specified in Chapter 1183.
   (e)   Fence or Wall.
      (1)   In a front yard, no vision obscuring fence or wall exceeding 18 inches shall be located within 20 feet of a public right-of-way.
      (2)   In a required side or rear yard, a wall or fence shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height.
      (3)   Any proposed fence or wall shall be reviewed and approved as part of a site plan pursuant to Sections 1137.03. However, when a fence or wall is proposed at a separate time from any other development for new construction, additions or site renovation, fences or walls may be approved administratively by the Planning Director when the Planning Director determines that the proposal:
         A.   Complies with subsections (e)(1) and (2) above;
         B.   Is consistent with any previously approved plan;
         C.   Is compatible with the current site development if there is no approved plan; and
         D.   Will have a minimum adverse impact to the surrounding areas.
If, because of the nature of the proposed fence, the Planning Director does not make such a determination, the request shall be referred to the Planning Commission and considered by the Commission according to the site plan procedures in Section 1137.03.
   (f)   Outdoor Storage. In an I-2 District, outdoor storage of goods, supplies and equipment used in the operation of the principal use shall be permitted only in the rear yard and shall comply with minimum yard setbacks established for principal buildings in Schedule 1147.04 and screening requirements in 1147.07(b). Outdoor storage of goods, supplies and equipment may be conditionally permitted in an I-1 District in compliance with Title Nine Section 1163.04(cc). Outdoor storage of fleet vehicles used in the operation of the principal use, when permitted, shall be located in the rear yard on off-street parking areas which comply with the minimum parking setback requirements established in Schedule 1147.04.
   (g)   Accessory Retail Uses. In an Industrial District, the on-site sale of products produced or distributed in the industrial facility is permitted as an accessory use. The retail sales must clearly be subordinate to the industrial use on the site, any space dedicated to retail sales may not exceed five percent of the total business floor area and all display and sales areas must be located in the principal building. Product showrooms where orders are placed for future delivery or installation are not considered retail sales.
      (Ord. 2007-222. Passed 1-10-08.)