The Director of Public Service shall be responsible for the purchasing function for the Municipality, and, all purchases shall be made only in the manner provided for by this Charter and resolutions and ordinances of Council.
   Formal competitive bidding shall be utilized in the contracting for work to be performed or for the purchase of supplies or materials over a minimum monetary amount established by Council by ordinance. Council shall also establish by ordinance the manner of bidding and advertising. Exceptions to the competitive bidding requirements established may arise only in the case of a real and present emergency confirmed by the Mayor and approved by Council vote of at least six members of Council if all are present, or the affirmative vote of at least five members if one or more are absent. When an emergency precludes formal public bidding, informal quotations with appropriate documentation shall be sought from at least three (3) competing sources, and the contract shall be awarded in accordance with the standards established by Council.
(Amended 11-6-90)