(a)   For purposes of this chapter:
      (1)   "Pawnbroker" means a person, persons, society, club, partnership, organization or corporation engaged in the business of lending money on deposit or pledges of personal property, other than securities or printed evidence of indebtedness, at a total charge, rate of interest, or discount or other remuneration in excess of eight per cent annum at its business location within the City of Stow.
      (2)   "Secondhand" means that which has been used or which has been previously traded or sold by a retailer
      (3)   "Precious metals" means articles made of or containing gold, silver, platinum, or other precious metals or jewels of any description. Computer parts containing gold, silver or platinum including processors (CPUs), RAMS, motherboards, hard drives, CD/DVD drives, etc. shall not be considered "precious metals" for the purpose of this chapter.
      (4)   "Purchase" means the acquisition of second-hand articles for a consideration of cash, goods, or other second-hand articles.
      (5)   "Secondhand dealer" means any person, persons, society, club, partnership, organization or corporation engaged in the business of purchasing secondhand articles for the purpose of resale if, in any manner, including any form of advertisement, signage, electronic media, including electronic mail, or other solicitation of customers, the dealer holds himself, herself, or itself out to the public as willing to purchase secondhand articles from a seller, in person, at its business location within the City of Stow.
   (b)   No person, partnership, corporation, or other entity, within the corporation limits of the City of Stow, unless duly licensed as provided in this chapter, shall engage in the business of a pawnbroker or in the business of a secondhand dealer or advertise in any form to the public of the person or entity's willingness to purchase the following "secondhand articles":
      (1)   Secondhand furs; or
      (2)   Secondhand computers, laptops, printers, copiers, or other office machinery; or
      (3)   Pawnbrokers' tickets or other evidence of pledged articles; or
      (4)   Secondhand tools of artisans, mechanics, or common laborers; or
      (5)   Secondhand cameras; or
      (6)   Secondhand musical instruments or equipment, amplifiers, mixing boards, etc.; or
      (7)   Secondhand precious metals, stones or jewels; or
      (8)   Secondhand televisions, video monitors, record players, tape players, tape recorders, disc players or other stereo equipment, compact disks, portable music players, headphones, tablets, video cassette recorders or other video equipment, video game systems or other video game equipment, video game cartridges or video game compact disks, cellular telephones, radio receivers or transmitters, or other electronic media, toys, or devices; or
      (9)   Secondhand athletic equipment or fitness machinery or equipment; or
      (10)   Secondhand retailer gift cards or store credit; or
      (11)   Secondhand antique china, antique flatware or serving ware; or
      (12)   Secondhand weapons (except firearms), or yard equipment; or
      (13)   Secondhand designer items such as handbags and leather goods.
         (Ord. 2017-65. Passed 8-10-17.)