(a)   Any person desiring the issuance or transfer of a license as required by this chapter shall file with the Alarm Administrator a written application, on a form to be provided, correctly containing the following information:
      (1)   The full name and address of the applicant;
      (2)   The common name of the alarm premises;
      (3)   The name and address of the person installing, maintaining and/or owning the alarm system;
      (4)   A description of the system's operation and, in the case of a direct connect alarm system, a floor plan of the premises;
      (5)   The names and addresses of persons to be contacted in case of an alarm and/or a malfunction;
      (6)   Any additional, relevant information specifically requested by the Alarm Administrator.
   (b)   The application form provided to the applicant shall be accompanied by a copy of this chapter.
   (c)   The Alarm Administrator may fine any person, corporation or entity twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day for every day of noncompliance with this section.
(Ord. 2008-54. Passed 2-28-08.)