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On parcels in zoning districts where non-commercial livestock are permitted, the following standards shall apply, except for in the A-1 Agricultural and A-2 Agribusiness Zoning Districts, which are exempt from these standards:
   1.   Number of Animals per Lot. Non-commercial livestock are limited to the maximum animal densities as shown in Table 88-1. Density ratios shall not exceed the limits of any single category.
Table 88-1-Total Maximum Animal Densities by Type
Size and Type of Animals
Maximum Animal Density
Large animals: horses, cattle, and similar animals
A minimum of one net-acre is required for the keeping of any large animals
1/20,000 net square feet of lot area, with a maximum of 8 such animals in this category
Intermediate animals: sheep, swine, goats, llama, emu, and similar animals
1/5,000 net square feet of lot area, with a maximum of 10 such animals in this category
Small animals: poultry, fowl, rabbits, and similar animals*
1/1,500 net square feet of lot area
* The keeping of roosters shall be prohibited.
   2.   Juvenile animals. The number of juvenile animals less than six months of age is not limited provided they are offspring to the allowed adult animals.
   3.   Housing of Non-commercial Livestock.
      A.   No structures or housing for large or intermediate animals shall be constructed within fifty (50) feet of property lines. Structures for housing any sized animal shall meet height requirements set forth in the bulk requirements of the applicable zoning districts.
      B.   Non-commercial livestock shall be kept within a pen, coop, building, or other enclosure sufficient in size and strength to confine such animals to the owner's property.
      C.   Non-commercial livestock shall be provided with a covered, predator-resistant shelter that is properly ventilated and designed to be easily accessed, cleaned and maintained.
      D.   During daylight hours, non-commercial livestock shall have access to their shelter.
      E.   Best practices shall be followed for indoor and outdoor enclosure design and type, including for the acceptable amount of square footage per animal to be housed or kept in the enclosure.
      F.   Every person maintaining a pen, coop, building, yard or enclosure for non-commercial livestock shall keep such area clean and sanitary.
      G.   Manure disposal should follow best practices as outlined by Iowa State Extension or other professionally accepted source. Iowa Administrative Code section 567.65.2(3) and 567.65.101(1) shall apply to any discharges to waters of the state, pursuant to the EPA, 40 CFR Part 122.
      H.   All grains used for feed shall be kept in containers that are rodent-proof until put out for consumption. Clean water shall be made available at all times. Hay, alfalfa, or other roughage types of feed shall be kept under cover.
      I.   A zoning permit shall be obtained from the Planning and Development Department prior to the construction, addition, or modification of any pen, coop, building, fence, or other enclosure used for the purposes of housing non-commercial livestock.
      J.   No nuisance conditions shall be created for neighboring land uses. Nuisance conditions may include, but are not limited to, odor, noise, destruction of neighboring property, or repeated instances of loose animals on neighboring property.
   5.   Standards Specific to the Non-Commercial Keeping of Bees. Keeping of bees shall be subject to the following requirements:
      A.   No Africanized bees shall be kept on any property.
      B.   The front of any beehive shall face away from the property line of the nearest adjacent property.
      C.   Where a colony is located within ten (10) feet from any property line or within thirty (30) feet of any public sidewalk or roadway, the beekeeper shall establish and maintain a flyway barrier at least six feet in height consisting of a solid wall, fence, or vegetation, parallel to the property line and extending ten feet beyond the colony in each direction.
      D.   An adequate supply of fresh water shall be maintained in a location on the lot which is readily available to all bee colonies on the lot throughout the day.
   6.   Enforcement of this ordinance shall follow the procedures in Chapter 93-Planning and Development Infractions-of the Story County Land Development Regulations.
(Ch. 88 - Ord. 298 - Sep.22 Supp.)