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   1.   Hazardous Liquid Pipelines. Proposed hazardous liquid pipelines shall meet the following standards. These standards do not apply to existing pipelines.
      A.   Setbacks Required.
         (1)   A setback of one-quarter mile shall be required from dwellings, areas zoned A-R Agricultural Residential, R-1 Transitional Residential, R-2 Urban Residential, RMH Residential Manufactured Housing District, C-LI Commercial/Light Industrial District, HI Heavy Industrial District, retirement and nursing homes, family homes, schools, childcare homes and centers, group homes, hospitals, detention facilities, human service facilities, campgrounds, day camps, cemeteries, stables, amphitheaters, shooting ranges, golf courses, stadiums, parks, houses of worship, and auditoriums.
         (2)   A setback of one-quarter mile shall also be required from city boundaries and areas identified as Urban Expansion by the C2C Plan Future Land Use Map.
         (3)   The setback shall be measured from the pipeline to the closest point of the building or property line, depending on the identified use type.
      B.   Critical Natural Resource Area Protections Required. If installation of a hazardous liquid pipeline is permitted by Chapter 88.05, only trenchless construction methods shall be permitted including in required buffer areas from a critical natural resource.
      C.   Emergency Plan. A copy of an emergency response or preparedness plan shall be submitted to assist with the County’s emergency response planning. The plan may be a preliminary or draft version of an emergency response plan that would meet the requirements of the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. The County will determine whether the information in the plan is sufficient for the County to plan its own emergency response and may request additional information.
      D.   Authorizations Required. Any person proposing to construct a hazardous liquid pipeline shall obtain all required federal, state, and local permits and any private easements or other land use permissions prior to commencing construction and submit documentation of such authorizations with the permit application.
(Ord. 311 – Oct. 23 Supp.)