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   1.   Statement of Intent. The Greenbelt-Conservation District is intended to provide special regulations for resource conservation of lands containing sensitive environmental conditions. These regulations permit reasonable economic use of property and at the same time protect the natural resources and recreational assets of the area. This District is designated to promote water quality and conservation, to protect aquifers, alluvial soils and slopes; and to protect areas which possess outstanding scenic, vegetation, wildlife habitat, and travel corridors, geological, historic or recreational values. Structures inconsistent with the permitted uses shall not be allowed in the Greenbelt-Conservation District.
   2.   Principal Permitted Uses. Only the uses of land listed in this section shall be permitted in the Greenbelt-Conservation District.
      A.   Agriculture, but not including clear cutting of naturally occurring tree cover.
      B.   Truck gardening, nurseries, orchards, apiaries, tree farms, and other similar uses, provided that retail sales are of a seasonal nature only and that parking is adequate to keep all public rights-of-way clear.
      C.   Livestock grazing, but not including feedlots and poultry farms.
      D.   Sustained yield forestry.
      E.   Wildlife preserves.
      F.   Soil and water conservation.
      G.   Drainage and water retention, water measurement, and water control facilities.
      H.   Recreational uses such as canoeing access, boat launching ramps, swimming areas, primitive camping, hiking, horseback riding trails and similar open space uses.
      I.   Parking in conjunction with permitted uses.
      J.   Cultural/historic restoration.
   3.   Permitted Accessory Uses. The following are permitted accessory uses:
      A.   Uses of land customarily incidental and subordinate to one of the permitted principal uses, unless otherwise excluded.
   4.   Conditional Uses. See Chapter 90.
   5.   General Site Planning Standards. General site planning standards in accordance with Chapter 88, General Site Planning Standards, shall be met.
   6.   Permit Requirements. Permit requirements shall be in accordance with Section 92.11, Required Permits.
   7.   Required Conditions. No use shall be permitted to be established or maintained which by reason of its nature or manner of operation is or may become hazardous, obnoxious, or offensive owing to the emission of odor, dust, smoke, cinders, gas, fumes, noise, and vibrations, refuse matter or water-carried waste. All facilities required for the discharge, collection and treatment of liquid, solid or gaseous wastes shall be designed, constructed, and operated in accordance with all statutes and regulations of the State of Iowa and Story County. Conditions addressing such impacts shall be determined at the time of review of the applicable regulations and permit process and noted on the face of the permit and such permit shall be filed in the office of the Story County Planning and Development Department.