(A)   When reference is made to the MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT, as follows, such term shall mean that area provided by the town for the use of automobiles and motor vehicles by licensed drivers which area consists of the paved portions of those tracts or parcels of land owned by and titled to the town by deeds recorded in Deed Book 702, at Page 318, Deed Book 711, at Page 227, and Deed Book 711, at Page 882, all in the county registry.
   (B)   The regulations adopted herein by the enactment of this schedule shall be in addition to the statutes and laws of the state.
   (C)   There shall be only two routes of ingress and egress into and out from the municipal parking area, one on Henry Street with a lowered curb and one exiting onto Smith Street, adjacent to the Town Hall, and any user of this parking lot which enters or exits into or out from the municipal parking area shall be in violation of this schedule.
   (D)   It shall constitute a violation of this schedule for any operator of any motor vehicle to stand, stop or park a motor vehicle on any passage area of the public right-of-way so as to interrupt, interfere with the passage of public conveyance or motor vehicular traffic.
   (E)   Parking spaces shall be provided in the municipal parking area for the use of the general public and these parking spaces shall be marked off and delineated by the use of white paint. No more than one space shall be occupied by any one vehicle and each part of the using vehicle shall be within the boundaries delineated. Parking by the general public shall not be permitted and is prohibited in other areas and shall be in violation of this schedule.
   (F)   Areas delineated with yellow paint shall be for no-parking zones or special uses, and such special uses shall include, but shall not be limited to, clearance for the Fire Station, clearance for the Town Hall,  stationary fire equipment, police parking, employee parking, firefighters’ parking, parking for handicapped persons and other special uses. Where signs have been placed, erected or installed giving notice or where the parking spaces have been delineated by the use of yellow paint or where any other area has been delineated by the use of yellow paint, it shall be unlawful and prohibited for the general public to use these areas for parking, standing or stopping any motor vehicle and any operator of a motor vehicle who does so shall be in violation of this schedule.
   (G)   In those parking spaces provided in the municipal parking area for the use of the general public, no person shall park any motor vehicle for a period of time of longer than two hours duration of any day. Separate uses during any one day shall be cumulated so as to be treated as one continuous two-hour parking period, or after a use has exceeded the first two-hour period, be treated as additional two-hour parking period. Any member of the general public, whose parking use exceeds two hours on any day shall be in violation of this schedule. Each additional two-hour period of use, or fraction thereof after the first violation, shall constitute a separate violation.
   (H)   Any person violating any provision of this schedule shall be fined in the amount of $1 for each offense, under the provisions of G.S. § 20-162.1.
(Ord. passed 4-3-1979; Ord. passed 6- -1980; Ord. O-2020-03, passed 10-6-2020)