§ 150.175 GENERALLY.
   (A)   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      FAMILY. Consists of one or more persons each related to the other by blood, marriage or adoption (including foster children), together with the relatives of the respective spouses who are living with the FAMILY in a single residence and maintaining a common household. A FAMILY so related includes any domestic servants and not more than one gratuitous guest residing with the FAMILY. A FAMILY may also be composed of not to exceed three persons not so related; provided that, the unrelated persons live in a single residence and maintain a common household and a single housekeeping unit. A FAMILY, so constituted, shall not be permitted to include a gratuitous guest; nor shall a relative by blood, marriage or adoption of any one of the three unrelated persons be permitted to reside as part of a FAMILY, so constituted. The three unrelated persons may not include a domestic servant as an additional person.
      MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING. (Hereinafter, DWELLING.) Any dwelling that has been constructed or modified so that it may house more than one family.
   (B)   Every dwelling, along with all accessory structures located upon the same lot or a contiguous lot, shall be inspected for compliance with this subchapter. Inspections of dwellings shall consist of both exterior and interior inspections. Exterior inspections shall include the dwelling and any accessory structures. Interior inspections, however, shall be limited to health and life-threatening violations.
   (C)   The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to the following: units of local government and other governmental agencies not subject to the Housing Code, Building Code or Zoning Ordinance of the village and owners who occupy single-family residencies.
   (D)   When a non-residential business or activity, or a state or federally licensed and inspected use, occupies a portion of a building or premises which would otherwise be subject to this section, the provisions of this subchapter shall be applicable to the residential and common or public areas of the building or premises.
   (E)   To the extent that anything in this subchapter conflicts with or is inconsistent with any other provision of the village code, including, but not limited to, this chapter, the requirements of this subchapter shall control.
(Ord. 05-08, passed 5-10-2005)