(A)   No person shall solicit, directly or indirectly, money, donations of money, property or financial assistance of any kind or sell or offer to sell any article, tag, service, emblem, publication, ticket, advertisement, subscription or anything of value on the plea or representation that the sale, solicitation or proceeds thereof is for a charitable not-for-profit purpose on the streets, in any office building or business building, by house-to-house canvass or in any other public or private place, by telephone, personal solicitation, by mail or in any other way unless the person first has obtained a permit as provided for in this section.
   (B)   The provisions of this section shall not apply when the solicitation may be in the form of collections or contributions at the regular exercise or services of any church, religious society, lodge, benevolent order or fraternity or similar organization or any branch thereof.
(Prior Code, § 115.16) (Ord. 89-23, passed 4-23-1990) Penalty, see § 115.99